‘Golden Age Of SIGINT May Be Over’: New Encryption Foils IC Eavesdropping “Longstanding interest by US national security leaders has been heightened by Chinese advancements in quantum computing. For example, in 2017 China became the first country to demonstrate ‘quantum entanglement’ from a satellite to Earth. It could lead to much more secure communications…
Category: National Defense Issues
CO 101: Cybersecurity Pitfalls
Cybersecurity Experts: Stop Sending Troops Into Combat With Personal Tablets, Smartphones In the 21st Century, lessons like this are not just for the Military, but for the Civilian Operator as well. As long as we are dependent on tech, exploitation will always be there. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Cyber-Warfare for Sale
Hackers claim to auction NSA source code (click above title link to be re-directed to Source page) More shenanigans from State Sponsored hacking groups most likely. Just another reminder that we have not yet begun to see the true capabilities of what warfare in the fifth domain entails. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Crusader Corner: Missiles for Terrorist but NO GUNS For Americans?
Obama is the biggest smuggler of guns to terrorists. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. You won’t find many of the Democrats who pulled their phony publicity stunt over gun control backing the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act. It was after all…
Crusader Corner: Defenseless in the Face of our Enemies
What keeps America from protecting itself against radical Islam? EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is adapted from a speech the author delivered this week at the Westminster Institute in McLean, Va. The topic: “Defenseless in the Face of Our Enemies: What Keeps America from Protecting Itself from Radical Islam.” Two weekends ago in Orlando, Fla., in…
Modern War: How Tactics Used in Iraq and A-Stan Can Make The U.S. More Vulnerable in Future Wars
We need to ask ourselves which lessons are worth retaining versus which do we think we should retain but make us more vulnerable. Editor’s Note: This article is drawn from a talk given by the author to the Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly in Charlotte, North Carolina, on May 24, 2016. Question: Do the…
Going to War Without Skin In The Game
It is interesting to note how many pro-intervention, pro- “boots on the ground” neoconservatives have never served in the military. I’m grateful that America treats its veterans better now than it did in decades past. My father was spit on by hippies when he came home from Vietnam. Yet, “thank you for your service” comments…
Terror Watch: ISIS Thugs Urge Attacks on American Soil During Ramadan
FYI: Ramadan this year is June 5th thru July 5th, so keep your head on a swivel and Stay Frosty. -SF BEIRUT, Lebanon – The Islamic State group appeared to try to keep morale high among its supporters in a new audio message released on Saturday, which also called for attacks on the US during…