Category: Movie Reviews
Movie Review: “The Blitz”
In Summary, another Anti-White POS directed by the same Nigger who did 12 Years a Slave and financed by a collection of ZOG $Super Jews$.
Speaking of Ireland…
Guerilla Warfare Movie Anthology: a Recap
Frank Herbert’s Warrior Religion
Frank Herbert’s Warrior Religion The Warrior Religion project is some of the most popular poasts on RESAVAGER. It’s more an exploratory effort at this point that I hope to focus down upon. Admittedly, I lose focus on certain aspects. What I want to do today, however, is lay out what Frank Herbert’s idea of…
Movies and Series about European Political Terrorism: Exterior Night
Being a history nerd, I am always on the lookout for interesting historical movies or series and the other day I ran across one from Italy titled Exterior Night (aka Esterno Notte) about The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists. Now this is not the…
Wick Press Check
Modern Day Britain and the 2006 movie ‘Children of Men’
Hundreds of Britons advertise for suicide partner If you have not seen the 2006 dystopian thriller Children of Men, I highly recommend you watch it. The plot parallels with what is currently happening in the (Former) Great Britain is downright scary. Here is a paragraph from the Wikipedia page to give you an idea:…
The Chekist
Via: WRSA Probably a good time to watch this (extremely dark) classic of early Communist living and power consolidation: The Chekist
Foreign WW2 Movies Worth A Damn: Onoda – 10,000 Nights in the Jungle (2021)
‘Onoda – 10,000 Nights in the Jungle’ The story of Japanese Army Second Lt. Hiroo Onoda is an amazing one to say the least. For exactly 10,000 nights (29 years) Onoda survived alone in the jungles of the Philippine island of Lubang with only his wits, training and dedication to see him through until in…
Foreign War Movies Worth a Damn: The Arctic Convoy (2023)
The Arctic Convoy If you have been following my blog for a while you know my fondness for Foreign Cinema, in particular, Foreign War Movies. You can check out some of my prior recommendations HERE . The Arctic Convoy (aka Konvoi) is a Norwegian WW2 Film (with English subtitles) Based on true events that…