On the Guerrilla, His Ecology and His Communications The Guerrilla must recognize three critical points: He, and his local network, are his own supply line. He fights with what he has, not with what he wishes. He cannot fight as a conventional force. If you have not already, be sure and order your…
Category: Modern War
Next Gen Body Armor: Talin Bio-Gel?
Bulletproof armor made of human cells? Scientists create gel that stops supersonic projectiles Would need to know more specifics as far as where EXACTLY these human proteins are being sourced from, but the concept sounds interesting for sure.
SHTF Self-Education Series Book Review – “Winning Insurgent War: Back to Basics”
SHTF Self-Education Series Book Review from the Library – “Winning Insurgent War: Back to Basics” Note to my Readers: I had some issues downloading the .pdf version of this book with the links provided, so in prowling around I found this link which worked fine: https://community.apan.org/wg/tradoc-g2/fmso/m/fmso-books/195392/download Study Up and Train Hard!
The History of Irregular Warfare (Six-Part Series)
H/T WRSA Irregular Warfare Six-Part Series Superb series I recommend you put on your Reference flash drive. While you are it, Guide to the Analysis of an Insurgency is also worth downloading. Arm Up, Read Up and Train and Prepare Accordingly.
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles *(For Educational Purposes Only)*
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles Since the first tanks and armored cars appeared on the battlefields of WWI Europe, infantrymen have been forced to find ways to deal with them. The modern minuteman is no different, and any prolonged civil conflict in the United States is bound to see armored vehicles used…
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat “The available data from Ukraine, as well as the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, indicate that tanks are still critical in modern warfare and their vulnerabilities have been exaggerated. Russia’s heavy tank losses can be explained by employment mistakes, poor planning and preparation,…
There Are Now More Armed Bureaucrats Than There Are U.S. Marines
There Are Now More Armed Bureaucrats Than There Are U.S. Marines This thing happening right now, where all these Federal agencies are garnering resources (with your tax dollars I might add) is called WAR FOOTING. The Next Step is actual WAR. Time to choose Sides: State Sovereignty or Federal Tyranny?
Printing Widows
Printing Widows Is another Banker-Orchestrated Brother War needed for their Reset Agenda? “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency;…
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator Strength always wins the Day folks. (Not Size, STRENGTH!) This is why I think Rucking is the most practical cardio/strength exercise for the armed civilian. Using weighted packs on long hikes creates the kind of practical strength and endurance needed on the…
Know Your History: The Molotov Cocktail vs The Tank
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL VS. TANK: A HISTORY OF THIS DESPERATE MEASURE Concise history on the Molotov as an Anti-Tank Measure down through the decades of modern warfare. The free pdf book David’s Tool Kit: A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons is an awesome resource for the Armed Citizen. Download yours Today! …