The following is taken directly from the Afterword in Kelly Mccann’s Outstanding book Combatives for Street Survival. In this afterword, Kelly draws corollaries between what is taught in the USMC Field Manual (FM 1) Warfighting and what is experienced in personal combat using Combatives for self-defense. Kelly divides these corollaries into Several distinct sections: War,…
Category: Mindset
The Combat Realities of Trigger Reset
Trigger reset is one of those skills, that if you were like me, when you learned it, it pretty much changed your level of accuracy instantly, especially with a pistol. I remember one of my trainers summarizing it for me: “Unlike a rifle, where the barrel is 16 to 20 inches or greater, most pistol…
Refuse to be a Victim!
“Violent crime is feasible only if it’s victims are cowards. A victim who fights back makes the whole business impractical. It is true that a victim who fights back may suffer for it, but one who does not most certainly WILL suffer for it. And suffer or not, one who fights back retains his dignity…
The “Un-Killable” Soldier
A refreshing look back at a time when men were men and “God and Country” really meant something and was not just some catch phrase on a bumper sticker. Taken in entirety from BBC Magazine. Adrian Carton de Wiart: The unkillable soldier By Peter CrutchleyBBC Digital & Learning NI Continue reading the main story Sir…
Making Cover a Priority
“FINDING COVER MUST BE YOUR PRIORITY IN A GUNFIGHT: MOVEMENT & COVER=LIFE.” –Frosty talking to FNG, 2006 I had a serious case of Deja Vu’ and at the same time was reminded of the tactical importance of COVER while watching Netflix movie yesterday, Korengal, the follow up documentary to Restrepo by Sebastian Junger. It follows a Company from the 173rd Army Airborne while…
Re-Examining the Neck Knife: Mall Ninja Garb or Street Practical Shiv?
I have discussed on this blog before how I favor the carry of a small fixed blade knife carried horizontal in addition to a pocket folder of some type. The point being: AMBIDEXTROUS ACCESSIBILITY or Can you access both blades with either hand easily? When we think about having access to a weapon during a fight, we…
“Setting So High a Price for Our Blood…”
I am currently reading Steven Pressfield’s novel The Lions Gate, a fictional “hybrid history” of Israel’s Six Day War fought in 1967. The book is outstanding so far and I highly recommend it, as I do any of Pressfield’s stuff, as it is all top-notch. The other day, I came across a statement that I…
Quit Worrying and Start Training!
I have been literally assaulted on all sides lately by folks asking me to give them advice on how best to “prepare” for the current crisis we are all facing in this country right now. From Ebola to EV-D68 to ISIS coming across our borders, to our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights being trampled…
Surrounded by Viruses and Anxiety…..
You know when I was a kid, my grandmother (who was the one who let me shoot her .38 when I was 8 years old) had this painting in her living room…it was a picture of an old bearded man praying and had the Serenity Prayer embossed over it. I can still see it. “God,…
“The Lazy and Stupid Parent”: Yeah there is an App for that!
Awareness (noun): Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Let’s face it. Being AWARE can help the CO more than any other skill-set, AVOID, DETER or DE-ESCALATE most bad situations before they get out of hand. Very often CO’s forget that just like any other skill-set in their toolbox, Awareness is perishable and if…