This Post-Apocalyptic Book Was Written By One Of The Oregon Militia Members Looking back now we can see Levoy was not only a writer but also a prophet in the sense he was sounding the ALARM of unbridled Government Tyranny and writing about his own death at the hands of Government Gangster Assassins with…
Category: Militia History
The Purging of the U.S. Military
US Marines Undergoing a ‘Political Purge’, Being ‘Crushed’ by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate A full blown Political Purge is currently underway in the U.S. Military under the guise of “COVID Vax Mandates”. Of course if you have been paying attention, as soon as Mr. “Sniffer Shit My Pants” Biden took office in 2020 he began…
Citizen Soldier and the American Militia
Why we need to Remember Ruby Ridge
From the Archives, 2018 Siege at Ruby Ridge: The Forgotten History of the ATF Shootout That Started a Militia Movement My friends over at did an outstanding article on the cold-blooded murder of Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge in 1992. I believe the most important thing we can do as…
Know Your History: The Swamp Fox – Inside Francis Marion’s Guerrilla War Against the British Redcoats
The Swamp Fox – Inside Francis Marion’s Guerrilla War Against the British Redcoats One of the most enlightening studies of early Guerilla Warfare tactics was my study of Francis Marion and Rogers Rangers during the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. Study Up.
A Cautionary Note to Antifa and BLM Thugs Contemplating ‘Civil War’
A Cautionary Note to Antifa and BLM Thugs Contemplating ‘Civil War’ “And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What…
Know Your WW2 History: The Blitzkrieg – Word and Concept
I never used the word Blitzkrieg because it is a very stupid word. Adolf Hitler, 8 November 1941 The Word “Blitzkrieg” In sober military language, there is hardly any other word that is so strikingly full of significance and at the same time so misleading and subject to misinterpretation as the term blitzkrieg. Its early […]…
Why the Average Civilian Should Study Asymmetrical Warfare
From the Archives, 2015. I got asked this question the other day by a close friend and it occurred to me that I had never really plainly answered that question on this blog, even though I talk about the subject frequently. I think the best way to approach this subject is through historical precedent. It…
Lessons From The Warsaw Ghetto
Great Read. Be sure and read the two links on Lithuania. Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain. 1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the…