BAYONETS IN 2021 – WHY DO THEY PERSIST? Great read on the Bayonet and it’s role in Modern Warfare. Never discount something because it’s been around a while, they are often the most practical and deadly items around! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Military Weapons History
The First War Won Primarily with Unmanned Systems
Ten Lessons from the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War By John Antal The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War was fought between Armenia and Azerbaijan from September 24 to November 10, 2020. 29 more words The First War Won Primarily with Unmanned Systems — American Partisan
The Albanian Sniper Squad in Syria and Their Weapons
THE ALBANIAN SNIPER SQUAD IN SYRIA AND THEIR WEAPONS Good read. There is a multitude of information to be gleamed from the conflict in Syria. Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0
Know Your Weapons: The M79, The Iconic “Bloop Tube” 40mm Grenade Launcher
Combat experience with the bazooka rocket launcher in World War Two and its larger versions in the Korean War convinced the US military that a better weapon was needed to give front-line troops a direct-fire way to attach enemy strong points. The bazooka was bulky, not particularly accurate, and created a lot of backlist signature… M79:…
Ordnance P-38 Lightning
I remember reading Fork Tailed Devil as a kid and after that building every P-38 model I could find and reading every book.
Home Made Arsenal – Nine Ingenious Weapons of the Polish Underground
“Many of the underground’s own submachine guns, grenades and pistols had been secretly mass-produced for years.” IN AUGUST 1944, nearly 20,000 fighters from Poland’s underground Armia Krajowa (AK) or “Home Army,” launched a series of coordinated assaults on Nazi forces…Read more → Home Made Arsenal – Nine Ingenious Weapons of the Polish Underground —
Armor: Chinese Stryker Brigade
Critical information on the development, task, purpose and implementation of the Chinese ZBL-09. Read the original at Strategy Page. -NCS China has begun organizing its first combined arms brigade based on the American experience with brigades equipped largely with the Stryker wheeled armored vehicle. This comes 17 years after the Americans introduced the Stryker but… Armor:…
Know Your WW2 History: The Iron Fist – 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division Götz von Berlichingen
Marder I, 17 SS Panzergrenadier Division Gotz von Berlichingen 17. SS commander Werner von Ostendorf (left) plans the attack on Carentan with Fallschirmjager commander Friedrich August Freiherr von der Heydte (centre). Thrown into combat on 10 June 1944 near Carentan, the reconnaissance battalion of the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division fought the American paratroops of the […]…
Know Your WW2 History: The Blitzkrieg – Word and Concept
I never used the word Blitzkrieg because it is a very stupid word. Adolf Hitler, 8 November 1941 The Word “Blitzkrieg” In sober military language, there is hardly any other word that is so strikingly full of significance and at the same time so misleading and subject to misinterpretation as the term blitzkrieg. Its early […]…
We Accept Death, We Hand Out Death I
Hitler envisaged the star turn of his Ardennes offensive to be the Sixth Panzer Army, an entirely new creation. That it was to be led by the Waffen-SS’s senior field commander, and contain four SS panzer divisions, was no accident. This was another of the Führer’s responses to 20 July: thereafter the only organisation with […]…