THE AK-74 IN UKRAINE: A HISTORY & MORE For all you fellow Kalash Lovers and AK Afficonados out there. Know Your History. Know Your Weapons. Know your Ammo.
Category: Military Weapons History
World War II Documentaries Worth A Damn: Lancaster – Above and Beyond
Lancaster – Above and Beyond The Avro Lancaster was a British Heavy Bomber used extensively during WW2 to take the war into Germany. This documentary dives deep into both the history of the aircraft itself and the amazing crews that flew them into battle. The Dambuster Operation of 1943, aka Squadron X led by…
East German Boy Scout Tank Units
H/T American Partisan
Know Your Guns: History of the East German Makarov
HISTORY OF THE EAST GERMAN MAKAROV When I was hot and heavy into Curio and Relic collecting fifteen or so years back I had several different flavors of Makarov, including a true East German PM (with original DDR markings) a Polish P-64, A Hungarian FEG PA-63 and a very rare Bulgarian PPK clone. As…
Know Your WW2 History: Axis vs AA Guns
AXIS VS. AA GUNS: HISTORY OF AMERICAN ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS Even from the first moments of America’s sudden involvement in World War II, U.S. anti-aircraft (AA) gunners were in the thick of the fight. John W. Finn, US Navy Chief Aviation Ordnanceman, won the Medal of Honor during the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, December…
SKS Collecting And Identification: A Buyer’s Guide
SKS Collecting And Identification: A Buyer’s Guide I had a C&R License (FFL 03) for around twenty years off and on back in the “golden era” when you could find plenty of German and Yugo Mausers, Lee- Enfields, Mosin-Nagants, Swiss K-31’s and Norinco and Russian SKS’s all for very reasonable prices. It was a…
Know Your Weapons: Mannlicher M1895 Rifle
AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S M-95 Rifle “The M95 proved itself one of the finest battle rifles of the First World War. It weighed around a pound less than its equally lengthy peers and was slim and almost delicate by comparison. The soldiers who carried it appreciated its light weight but the Allied soldiers facing the M95 in…
Know Your Weapons: Russian BMP-Terminator Tank
BMP-Terminator: Designed after the lessons of the Chechen War This Tank or (Tank Support Combat Vehicle) design came in response to the DISASTER the Russian Army encountered in Grozny in 1994-95 when small elements of Guerilla Rifleman armed with RPG’s and Anti-Tank mines took out entire Russian Armored columns. Note the Grenade Launcher tubes…
Know Your Weapons: Russian 6P41 PKP Pecheneg
6P41 PKP Pechentheg: Belt Fed Vodka Blaster This 7.62x54R belt-fed monster is the most common General Purpose Machine Gun in the third world. It has the weight of a M249 SAW and packs the punch of a M240B.
Know Your History: The Molotov Cocktail vs The Tank
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL VS. TANK: A HISTORY OF THIS DESPERATE MEASURE Concise history on the Molotov as an Anti-Tank Measure down through the decades of modern warfare. The free pdf book David’s Tool Kit: A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons is an awesome resource for the Armed Citizen. Download yours Today! …