WHO DARES WINS with a Lewes Bomb! BBC is currently running a Six episode series titled SAS Rogue Heroes based on the book by Ben MacIntyre. I have only watched half of it so far but from what I have seen I like it.
Category: Military Weapons History
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles *(For Educational Purposes Only)*
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles Since the first tanks and armored cars appeared on the battlefields of WWI Europe, infantrymen have been forced to find ways to deal with them. The modern minuteman is no different, and any prolonged civil conflict in the United States is bound to see armored vehicles used…
The Rifleman’s Creed; Warrior Ethos
Boers, Beans, Bullets and Bear Soup
Boers, Beans, Bullets, and Bear Soup – Parts 1 & 2 Nifty two part series on the history, tactics and arms of the Boers. Note: Although I disagree with many of the author’s opinions regarding rifle and caliber choices, as I have grown older I have found the best advice to new shooters is…
Know Your WW1 Weapons: Germany’s MG08 Heavy Machine Gun
Germany’s Heavy Machine Gun of WWI: The MG08 All you former infantryman out there might find this fact jaw dropping: “The MG08 machine gun itself weighed approximately 60 pounds. Combined with its “Sled” (or Sledge) mount that used four legs, the whole affair weighed around 140 pounds, excluding the water can and ammunition supply….
Know Your Weapons: The Mauser — 15 Assorted Facts And Tidbits
The Mauser — 15 Assorted Facts And Tidbits One of the first Curio and Relic Guns I bought when I got my license many years back was a very nice K98 with an authentic leather sling and a bag of stripper clips. Soon after that I obtained a Yugo Mauser. To this day Mausers…
Know Your Military Weapons History: MANPADS
Like alot of Modern Weapons Systems in use today MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense System) owes it’s origins to Nazi Germany.
Know Your Naval History: Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea
Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea Thought provoking essay on the current state of American Naval Technology, Strategy and Readiness. Though some might argue it is a bit dated compared to other WW3 novels, I still say Ghost Fleet is one of the most realistic novels at a plausible WW3 scenario.
Know Your History: The Devil’s Brigade and the Johnson M1941 LMG
DEVIL’S BRIGADE SECRET WEAPON: THE JOHNSON M1941 LMG For those not familiar with the history of the 1st Special Service Force. Though deemed not as reliable as other Standard issue LMG’s of the period, the Johnson M1941 had it’s perks.
Know Your Weapons: The MP-40 Submachine Gun
MP-40 SUBMACHINE GUN: CHAOS ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE One of the most recognizeable SMG’s of the 20th Century, the MP-40 stands alone. While you are on the subject, check out Submachine Guns of World War Two.