By Steven Metz One of the hottest reads among Washington national security experts this summer is not the latest White House policy document or a big report from an influential think tank, but a novel by two of the national security community’s own: Peter Singer and August Cole. Their book, “Ghost Fleet,” is a…
Category: Military History
How Fiction Can Reveal the Horrors of Future Wars
Reading fiction written by people in the know is a great way to stay informed and explore the possibilities of Future War. Check out Art Of Future Warfare Project. The fact that he couldn’t feel the drill going into the back of his skull made the noise all the more terrifying. His eyes darted…
1st Squad, 3rd Platoon: The Cartoon Story of Lance Cpl. Travis Williams
Watch This Twice and then make sure somebody else you know does too…and then after thanking God you live in a Country where men will VOLUNTEER to lay down their lives for your Freedom and Safety… Find a CHARITY that HELPS DISABLED VETS and THEIR FAMILIES and give what ever you can: time, money, whatever..They Deserve…
This Gun for Hire: 5 Russian Weapons of War for Sale
By Evan Gottesman American arms reach a wide range of customers across the globe. However, there are some countries the United States will not sell weapons to for a variety of political and strategic concerns. For these nations, Russia offers a reliable alternative to U.S. products. Although many Russian arms are of a lower caliber…
“This is not your Grandfathers Al-Qaeda”
FBI Director James Comey made this statement in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this past Wednesday in talking about ISIS. And although, not the main topic of discussion, one could since from the tone of all involved that ISIS continues to be a MAJOR concern to our Government, both in their campaigns in Iraq and…
The Importance of Professional Reading
I am often asked about what I am reading and my general reading habits, so I thought I might post a short reply on a subject I feel very strongly about. In order for the Civilian Operator to continuously “sharpen” his edge, he not only needs to train regularly, but also read regularly. The best…
The Srebrenica Massacre: The Truth Revealed
This Norwegian documentary that takes quite a non-biased look at what happened in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. The internationally accepted viewpoint is very black-and-white and ultimately labels the Serbs as evil monsters while ignoring the crimes committed by the Muslims which was what “the Srebrenica Massacre” might have been a direct consequence of. With…
Boko Haram: The Real African Plague
Vice News published this 29 minute documentary of the terror group Boko Haram and the nation of Chad’s attempt to Stop Them. It’s Worth your time if you are at all concerned with stopping Islam from taking over the entire continent of Africa and then Europe soon after.
The U.S. and the Hague Convention Ban on Hollow Point Ammo: Where do We Stand Exactly?
With the recent news of the Military switching to Hollow Point Ammunition for Sidearms, some questions have risen on how this is legally possible since it has always been thought by the General Public that the Hague Convention of 1899 banned Hollow Point (or Expanding ammunition) for use in warfare. Well, after some digging…
US Military Transitions to HP Ammo for Sidearms
Original Article on Bearing Arms U.S. Military Makes Monumental Shift To Hollowpoint Pistol Ammunition Posted by Bob Owens In a significant doctrinal shift, the U.S. military is relegating full metal jacketed (FMJ) pistol bullets to a training role, and will be adopting modern hollowpoint designs similar to those used by most domestic law…