The earliest plans for the Soviet outpost on the Moon sported a soil-drilling habitat and rocket-fuel-burning internal combustion engine. A quarter-century after the Soviet space program dropped its thick veil of secrecy, many fascinating details about the enormous scope of the USSR’s space ambitions are still trickling in. The latest treasure trove of information quietly…
Category: Military History
World War Two History: The Guns of Cap Grip Nez
“The Dover Strait became the scene of one of World War Two’s longest-running battles.” (Originally published in on Nov. 19, 2014) THE NARROW SPAN OF WATER separating Dover, England from the Pas-de-Calais, France has long been one of the most strategically vital locations on the map of Europe. And at no time was that…
Clash of the Titans: Will Syria be the beginning of WWIII?
Defense Secretary Ash Carter says a key Persian Gulf ally has agreed to send special forces soldiers to Syria to assist in the development of local Sunni Arab fighters focused on recapturing Raqqa, the Islamic State group’s capital. Carter made the comment after meeting Friday at his Brussels hotel with his counterpart from the United…
The Nine Crappiest Pieces of Gear in USMC
While the Marine Corps is the tip of the spear, when it comes to issued gear, we often get the shaft. One of the benefits of serving in the military is having the chance to use all kinds of cool equipment like in Hollywood action movies and repetitive Call of Duty games. The Army has…
The Bad Ass Files: Russian Soldier Jacob Pavlov
“Pavlov’s small group of men, defending one house, killed more enemy soldiers than the Germans lost in taking Paris.” – Lt. Gen. Vasily Chuikov The Battle of Stalingrad is the single bloodiest battle in human history. Over the course of sixth months of non-stop, ultra over-the-top-in-a-bad-way combat, this unfathomably-violent blood fiesta ended the lives of…
Exploiting Gaps: Russia and Electronic Warfare
In an article I wrote on FO about Russia’s EW Capabilities, I showed how NATO commanders were concerned about how far ahead Russia was in this department. That concern has not diminished, and for good reason as the article below shows. -SF Much has been written about the weakness of the Russian military. Commentators describe it…
What is an Existential Threat?
A short, concise 3 minute read that I think nails the MAIN issue regarding U.S. Foreign Policy currently. Now I don’t play Politics, but ask yourself; out of all the Presidential hopefuls, which one would you want making a decision like the one described below? If you are like me, your answer is NONE OF…
World War II History: The Message that Ended Guadalcanal
On Feb. 9, 1943, U.S. troops secured Guadalcanal, putting an end to the first major offensive in the Pacific. With a little witty repartee over the radio, the Allies first major offensive in the Pacific during World War II came to a close as American forces secured Guadalcanal on Feb. 9, 1943. “Total and complete…
7 Phrases You will Want to Keep Using After the Military
Though the military is famous for its colorful language, some phrases are useful beyond the battlefield. If you’ve served in the military, live with a veteran, or work with one, you know that jargon is a part of their vocabulary. While some of their military slang or abbreviations are practical in the civilian world,…
World War II History: The Antonescu Paradox
Hitler’s Romanian ally led an utterly barbaric regime — that while often protecting Jews inside Romania’s borders, murdered them indiscriminately just outside those borders. The Jewish cemetery of Jassy, in northeastern Romania, occupies one of the highest spots in the city. It is quite literally vast, crowded with graves for hundreds of yards in different…