From 1968 to 1998, Northern Ireland was the battleground of a guerrilla war known as The Troubles. On one side was the Protestant majority called the Unionists, who wanted Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom. On the other side were the Nationalists, a Catholic minority who sought to become part of the…
Category: Military History
Ancient History: 10 Recent Discoveries
Not very long ago, the common consensus was that “civilization” developed slowly in Europe. Outside of the Mediterranean civilizations of Greece and Italy, ancient Europe was a backwater full of barbaric tribesmen who mostly lived in hut-like dwellings. Most laymen and many historians would say that compared to Sumer, Babylon, China, Egypt, and the Indus…
History of the Middle Ages: King John, The Worst Monarch in English History?
I would be amiss not to mention the excellent Sword-play movie set during this very time period, Ironclad, with Paul Giamatti playing the role of King John. -SF When it comes to Kings (and Queens) of England, there is strong competition as to who can claim the title of being the worst in the nation’s…
Today in History: “Top Gun” The Movie Turns 30 Years Old Today!
OMG, I am feeling old…I remember going to see this like 3 times at the theaters when it first came out (you know you are getting old when you preface a lot of your sentences with “I Remember!”) I have to admit, now when I watch this movie, I find it all a bit corny…
World War II History: Los Angeles Examiner Publishes a Map in 1937 Predicting How Japan Could Attack America
On November 7, 1937, the Los Angeles Examiner published a prescient map predicting how Imperial Japan could attack the US during World War II. Created by Howard A. Burke, the map imagined a Japanese attack on the US that closely predicted the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor four years later on December 7, 1941. Burke…
Socialism Sucks: The Political Rehabilitation of Che’ Guevera
It might surprise some of you to hear that I can be completely unreasonable and even aggressive about certain issues; the rest of you already know me well enough to expect it. I left all my social skills someplace in Eastern Europe. I’ve even been known to make an ass out of myself in public…
Obscure Weapons: The Standschultze-Hellreigel Submachine Gun
The Austro-Hungarian Standschutze Hellriegel debuted in 1915. Today the automatic, light firearm is something of a mystery. The prototype blended pistol-caliber ammunition with the firepower of a machine gun, making it one of the first weapons which could be considered a “submachine gun.” That much, we know. The rest is … conjecture. The images in this…
Soldier Superb: Australian Infantry Training in WW2
Outstanding article on a subject too many WW2 buffs no little about: How the Australian Army’s Trained for the Tough Pacific Campaign they fought.
World War I History: The Liberators!
This is a pretty widely-published photo, but it sure is a good one. It also shows very clearly the US’ horrible excuse for a backpack of the time. For the record, the soldier on the left has a Chauchat in 8mm Lebel (sans magazine) and the soldier on the right has an M1903 Springfield rifle….
War Machines: The M-60 Patton Tank Gets Re-Invented for the 21st Century Battlefield
Raytheon wants to upgrade U.S.-made tanks from the 1960s Raytheon is pitching a new upgrade for the venerable M-60A3 Patton main battle tank that would turn the elderly design into a competitive force on the modern battlefield — all at a fraction of the cost of a new vehicle. Named the Raytheon M-60A3 Service Life Extension Program…