One of the sleekest British cruiser tank designs of WW2 that saw action primarily with the “Bloody 7th”, (British Seventh Armored Division) during Operation Market Garden in September 1944 in Holland. Warfare History Network Weapons and Warfare Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Military History
Only the Brave
The story of Marcus Luttrell and the men of Operation Red Wing is one that needs to be told often so people do not forget the COST. Freedom is not FREE. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Learning From History: What the Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control
What The Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control There are so many good lessons history can teach us if we would only stop and heed them! The summary paragraph bears repeating: “In other words, vindictiveness and enforced disarmament failed. It failed because demonizing an entire group of people when the responsibility is much more…
Military History Books Worth A Damn: Desert Sniper by Ed Nash
Read the Original Article HERE Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
CO 101: Cybersecurity Pitfalls
Cybersecurity Experts: Stop Sending Troops Into Combat With Personal Tablets, Smartphones In the 21st Century, lessons like this are not just for the Military, but for the Civilian Operator as well. As long as we are dependent on tech, exploitation will always be there. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Why So Many Western Covert Operations Have Failed Since World War II
Shots in the Dark – Why So Many Western Covert Operations Have Failed Since WW2 A Great read both from a historical point of view and practical, Civilian Operator POV on the RELEVANCE of Guerilla Warfare in the 21st Century. You have to Understand the Lessons of History in order not to repeat the…
Hey Snowflakes, This is what TRUE Courage and Honor Looks Like
Air Force Releases Video Of John Chapman’s Final Heroic Moments That Earned Him The Medal Of Honor United States Air Force Combat Controller Technical Sgt. John Chapman Killed at the Battle of Takur Ghar, Afghanistan, March 4, 2002 while engaging enemy combatants in hand to hand combat. Posthumously awarded The Congressional Medal of…
Espionage Files: The CIA and A Turkish Coup
THE CIA AND A TURKISH COUP (click on link above to be re-directed to source page) All you fellow Intel Historians will enjoy this article. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Guerilla Warfare History: The Spartan “Krypteia”
Sparta’s ‘special operators’ had ruthless training tactics (click on the link above to be re-directed to source page)
World War Two Era Weapons: Clandestine Weapons of the OSS
Clandestine weapons so clandestine, they never were. Thanks OSS! (click on above link to be re-directed to source page) A really interesting read with some awesome links to other articles. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!