H/T to WRSA The Battle of Grozny: Deadly Classroom for Urban Combat
Category: Military History
Small Unit Tactics: Panzergreandier Squad Tactics (1944)
Pacific Profiles Book Review
WW2 Military History Reference Books.
Know Your Weapons: The M-14 “Toe Popper” Mine
Nasty Little piece of Cold War History.
The Albanian Sniper Squad in Syria and Their Weapons
THE ALBANIAN SNIPER SQUAD IN SYRIA AND THEIR WEAPONS Good read. There is a multitude of information to be gleamed from the conflict in Syria. Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0
In Memoriam: Dorothy Schmidt Cole
Dorothy Schmidt Cole, oldest living Marine, dies at 107 And Now for some news that really matters… Instead of reading about traitorous communist that hate their country, Let’s all celebrate the life of a woman who dedicated her life to defending an ideal bigger than herself. Semper Fi Mrs. Cole. This Country owes you a…
Apache Tactics
APACHE TACTICS You can never read enough about Guerilla Warfare tactics and history. I would urge everybody to invest in a flash drive where you can keep reference materials like this handy. I would also urge all my readers to go over to Active Response Training and sign up for email alerts. Every month…
Know Your Weapons: The M79, The Iconic “Bloop Tube” 40mm Grenade Launcher
Combat experience with the bazooka rocket launcher in World War Two and its larger versions in the Korean War convinced the US military that a better weapon was needed to give front-line troops a direct-fire way to attach enemy strong points. The bazooka was bulky, not particularly accurate, and created a lot of backlist signature… M79:…
The Evolution of French Counter-Insurgency Doctrine
France’s War in the Sahel and the Evolution of Counter-Insurgency Doctrine Know your COIN History, it could come in handy one day. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
November 11 – Veterans Day and The Dogs of War
In the United States, Veterans Day annually falls on November 11. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day. But it is also an appropriate […]…