6P41 PKP Pechentheg: Belt Fed Vodka Blaster This 7.62x54R belt-fed monster is the most common General Purpose Machine Gun in the third world. It has the weight of a M249 SAW and packs the punch of a M240B.
Category: Military History
The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender
You can download the above manual at John Spencer’s Website. Highly recommend you bookmark this site as well, LOTS of good stuff there! I also Highly Recommend you read all of John Spencer’s Urban Warfare Case Studies over at Modern War Institute Via WRSA: You will see this material again. The only real question…
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator
How to Make Yourself Hard to Kill, according to a Special Operator Strength always wins the Day folks. (Not Size, STRENGTH!) This is why I think Rucking is the most practical cardio/strength exercise for the armed civilian. Using weighted packs on long hikes creates the kind of practical strength and endurance needed on the…
Know Your History: The Molotov Cocktail vs The Tank
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL VS. TANK: A HISTORY OF THIS DESPERATE MEASURE Concise history on the Molotov as an Anti-Tank Measure down through the decades of modern warfare. The free pdf book David’s Tool Kit: A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons is an awesome resource for the Armed Citizen. Download yours Today! …
The White Death
The White Death
The Political Soldier: Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan
The Political Soldier: Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan This is an essay by Greg Johnson on Schmitt’s polarizing book Theory of the Partisan that is definitely worth a read considering the current geo-political situation. Arm Yourself and Prepare Accordingly.
Know Your History: Paramilitary Organizations in Germany 1871-1945
This is a very well put together Thesis Paper (pdf) from 2014 on Paramilitary Organizations in Germany 1871-1945. I would highly recommend you download this to a thumb drive for reference purposes. Relevance: Understanding how a Well-Organized and Financed Paramilitary Group (ie Citizen Action Groups) can effect REAL CHANGE in the Political and Social…
Know Your Weapons: The FG-42
The FG 42: The Automatic Rifle of the Fallschirmjäger Airborne Infantry The FG 42 was a powerful automatic rifle developed by the Germans during WWII and served in a similar role to the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). It was designed for and used by the elite Fallschirmjäger paratroopers. With an ergonomic shape, select-fire capability,…
Know Your Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History
Lethal Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History Some obscure weapons here. Very interesting. I am intimately acquainted with the Shuriken (aka throwing star) when I was a kid growing up, like most kids my age, I was heavily into martial arts, especially ninja movies and thanks to a mail order catalog…
Urban Warfare, Back in the Day
URBAN WARFARE, BACK IN THE DAY Current headlines are replete with stories of urban warfare. Be it Aleppo, Ramadi, Tripoli or some Ukrainian city you only learned of last year, there appears to be no shortage of combatants that want to fight in/over/for some piece of urban terrain. Perhaps a brief step back in to…