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Category: Military History
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat “The available data from Ukraine, as well as the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, indicate that tanks are still critical in modern warfare and their vulnerabilities have been exaggerated. Russia’s heavy tank losses can be explained by employment mistakes, poor planning and preparation,…
AL TARMIYAH FIREFIGHT!: Lessons Learned The Hard Way
AL TARMIYAH FIREFIGHT!: Lessons Learned The Hard Way Excellent article about Practical Combat Rifle Skills we need to keep sharp as civilians: Assuming I killed the bad guy with one shot to the torso area Performing a slow reload Retaining my empty magazine during the middle of such an intense firefight Stowing an empty…
Reference Library: 150 Questions for a Guerilla
H/T WRSA Alberto Bayo y Giroud was a Cuban-born officer who fought in the civil war in Spain and the revolution in Cuba. He was responsible for training the small cadre that would land on the island in 1956 and which included Ernesto Guevara and the Castro brothers. This volume is drawn from…
Welcome to Appalachistan
Welcome to Appalachistan If the American military couldn’t defeat Afghanistan, then it’s pure delusion to think it can defeat Appalachistan. The Taliban won, and we will too when pushed. We have a culture to be preserved, yours is failing. Don’t threaten us. The people of a place, and thus the culture therein, creates the…
Lessons From the Bitter End: What General Wrangel Means for Americans Today
H/T WRSA Lessons From the Bitter End: What General Wrangel Means for Americans Today The memoirs of the last leader of Russian anti-communist forces, General Pyotr Wrangel, were republished under the title Always with Honor in 2020 by an obscure publishing house, generating new interest in the man and his struggle to save his country….
Operation Storm 1995
Know Your Modern Military History!
Know Your Naval History: Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea
Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea Thought provoking essay on the current state of American Naval Technology, Strategy and Readiness. Though some might argue it is a bit dated compared to other WW3 novels, I still say Ghost Fleet is one of the most realistic novels at a plausible WW3 scenario.
SOE Partisan Leader’s Handbook
Partisan’s Leader Handbook So many Pearls of Wisdom in these WW2 era SOE manuals. The Basics of Partisanship have not changed! Study Up and Prepare Accordingly! You can read and download the entire manual HERE.
Know Your History: The Devil’s Brigade and the Johnson M1941 LMG
DEVIL’S BRIGADE SECRET WEAPON: THE JOHNSON M1941 LMG For those not familiar with the history of the 1st Special Service Force. Though deemed not as reliable as other Standard issue LMG’s of the period, the Johnson M1941 had it’s perks.