If you have not heard about this, you need to watch this 1 minute clip below and send it to all your friends. This is one of the most nefarious attempts yet by Obama’s cronies in the Justice Department to control and/or influence various private industry, including firearms and ammunition manufacturers, via Government extortion. Thank…
Category: Limited Government
Thank You BHO for Yet another Year of Record Gun Sales!
When I read headlines like this it always makes me think of that quote from that Japanese General who was asked why it would be a bad ideal for Japan to invade the U.S. in 1941; “Because there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.” Yeah, for some reason that gives me comfort…
Dutch Police Teaching Eagles to Capture Renegade Drones
Notice they use the words “renegade” and “law-breaking” in reference to the “types” of drones targeted. One can assume with laws in America becoming more and more restrictive concerning drones, we may be seeing trained Eagles in the skies in the U.S very soon. -SF As quadcopters and other remote controlled flying devices becomes more…
The Surveillance State: Privacy Outcry Sparked by Secret Surveillance
This is scary Big Brother stuff folks, and it is not something that COULD happen, it is happening right now to everyday citizens. This is the world in which we now live, no getting around it, no saying “It could never happen to me”…this is Reality, and if you don’t want to be a…
FBI Negotiates as Oregon Holdouts Demand Immunity
The four remaining militiamen occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon are negotiating with the FBI, and have said publicly that they will only surrender if they receive a guarantee that they will not be arrested. “If Obama can release five terrorists, ISIS-supporting terrorists, for one treasonous prisoner, then of course any deal is possible,”…
Conneticut State Police and Open Carry: “Gotta Cover our Ass”
I typically do not post “protest” videos on my blog because often the video do not tell the whole story and are sometimes heavily edited and cut to show a certain “agenda”… but this video is different. The illegal actions of the cops are not just “inferred” in the video, they are plain and evident…
Gun Control and Rape: The Ultimate Partners in Crime
In a recent article in Ammo-Land, Don McDougall presents a case to back-up a recent comment made by GOP Presidential Hopeful Ted Cruz stating that the increased number of Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Australia was a direct result of their National Gun Confiscation program. To further back up this point, all one has to…
Malheur, Oregon SITREP – 0400L 28 JAN 16
Situation Report (SITREP) – 0400L 28 JAN 16 It’s been a very long 36 hours since yesterday’s events began unfolding. Avoidable tragedy struck Tuesday afternoon when LaVoy Finicum was shot and killed. Since then, there have been at least four different accounts of what happened. We’ve seen wild and inaccurate speculation about what’s going on…
Daughter of Murdered Oregon Protester Robert “Lavoy” Finicum Speaks Out
The FBI was “hellbent on war.” Ammon Bundy, the leader of a group of protesters occupying federal land in eastern Oregon, was taken into custody Tuesday night and the group’s spokesman, Robert “Layoy” Finicum was shot dead by law enforcement. One of Finicum’s daughter’s claims the circumstances surrounding her father’s death make those involved guilty of murder. The…
Trolling is the NEW Politics
By Daniel Greenfield Your classic troll was an amoral sociopath or played one on the internet. His only cause was his own amusement. He advocated horrible and contradictory causes because it amused him to infuriate people. If he could get an entire group howling for his blood, he won. If an outraged media reported on…