As far as being ARMED, Not Being ABLE and not being ALLOWED are two completely different things. Learn the Difference. Having the Ability and Means to Protect Yourself and Your Family Should be an Internationally Protected Human Right. Most of the Places that are suffering from Human Rights Violations via an oppressive Government or Criminal…
Category: Know Your Weapons
How the AR-15 Forward Assist Saved Kyle Rittenhouse’s Life
All the Gun Boards, especially Arfcom are blowing up over this topic right now. 🤣 Keyboard Warriors and Sofa Ninjas arguing with each other about how Rittenhouse actually used (or should have used) the Charging Handle versus the Forward Assist and vice versa? My 2 cents: Regardless of how it went down, In the realm…
The Minimalist Arsenal
I have had several people emailing me concerned they do not have the proper “arsenal” stored up for the upcoming FUSA Spicy Taco Extravaganza. By “Arsenal” they are meaning a shit load of guns! The ideal being, the more the better! My reply to them is one word: RELAX. There is an old Cowboy saying…
Rifle Corner: The SVD Dragunov
Great 30 minute video on one of the most iconic DM (Designated Marksman) Rifles ever made.
Know Your Weapons: Three Vintage Assaulters of our Forefathers: Kalthoff, Belton, Girandoni
Three Vintage Assaulters of our Forefathers: Kalthoff, Belton, Girandoni Today’s article is not about “assault rifles” as you might think of them. You’ll hear nothing of Stoner’s first black rifles designs, the STG-44, or the M1 Carbine. No, today we discuss firearms that will take the angst and ire of gun-hating hoplophobes and safe-space…
Know Your Weapons: The RPK Light Machine Gun
The RPK is a gas-operated air-cooled weapon capable of both semiautomatic and automatic fire. Its heavy chrome-lined barrel is unable to be changed, severely limiting its sustained rate of fire. The RPK fires from a closed, rotating bolt. The stamped steel receiver is similar to that used on the AKM. The RPK can even interchange…
Know Your Weapons: The War Hammer
The War Hammer: A Deadly Effective Medieval Weapon I am a sucker for historical movies, in particular anything from the dark to medieval age. I was watching Outlaw King about Scotland’s Robert the Bruce and noticed quite a few War Hammers being used. Cold Steel offers a nice practical and affordable re-creation of a…
Know your Knives: The Wicked Ulu
The Wicked ULU Knife Who would not want to own an ancient blade design that resembles a Saber-tooth tiger fang?
De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito Color Photographs Part II
Beautiful machine. Part I Photo’s HERE.
Operation Dingo: Rhodesian raids on New Farm and Tembue
Know Your Guerilla Warfare/Small Unit Tactics History.