M60: Its Purpose, Mechanics, and Development Two scenes come to mind for the venerable M60: The first is one of my favorite childhood movies of all time, First Blood. Watching John Rambo eradicate that town in Washington with that M60 he swiped out of the back of the deuce-and-a-half was pure poetry! The second…
Category: Know Your Weapons
The M1 Carbine: Reputation vs. Reality
The M1 Carbine: Reputation vs. Reality One of the best overall articles on the M1 Carbine I have read to date. Another good article on the M1 Carbine.
Know Your Weapons: Nordic Cooperation – The Swedish M96 in Finnish Service
Nordic Cooperation: The Swedish M96 in Finnish Service One of the significant foreign rifles in Finnish service during the Winter War and Continuation War was the Swedish M96 Mauser. These rifles began arriving in Finland even before Finland’s independence, and in 1919 the Civil Guard was given ownership of 1,390 of them. The numbers…
Know Your WW2 Firearms History: Why German tanks used the MG 34 vs. the MG 42
Why German tanks used the MG 34 vs. the MG 42 Fascinating little article on two of the most amazing machine guns ever invented.
Know Your Weapons: The FG-42
The FG 42: The Automatic Rifle of the Fallschirmjäger Airborne Infantry The FG 42 was a powerful automatic rifle developed by the Germans during WWII and served in a similar role to the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). It was designed for and used by the elite Fallschirmjäger paratroopers. With an ergonomic shape, select-fire capability,…
Know Your Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History
Lethal Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History Some obscure weapons here. Very interesting. I am intimately acquainted with the Shuriken (aka throwing star) when I was a kid growing up, like most kids my age, I was heavily into martial arts, especially ninja movies and thanks to a mail order catalog…
Know Your Weapons: Colt 1903 Hammerless
COLT’S 1903 HAMMERLESS Very informative piece on one of the coolest looking handguns Mr. John Moses Browning ever designed. One of the most fantastic periods for firearm development and innovation was the early 20th century hands down!
Know Your Weapons: Grenades of WWII
Jumping on a Grenade? Make Sure It’s a German One! Finally, we have the German Model 24, Steilhandgranate, or “stick handle grenade.” Also known as the “Potato Masher” by Allied forces. This grenade was an offensive type containing a charge between six and seven ounces for a large, concussive blast effect but its thin-walled…
Using The Garrote – The USMC Way
Using The Garrote – The USMC Way A garrote is not a bad improvised weapon to have stuck back in your arsenal seeing that you are willing to put in the time for the training. Making a wire garrote is easy. Some Piano wire, two large wooden or metal dowels wrapped with grip tape…
Know Your Weapons: History and Evolution of the Karambit
History and Evolution of the Karambit Even though they look bad ass, I do not recommend the Karambit as a EDC. It’s a Special Purpose Knife that requires some training to use Properly and Effectively.