MP-40 SUBMACHINE GUN: CHAOS ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE One of the most recognizeable SMG’s of the 20th Century, the MP-40 stands alone. While you are on the subject, check out Submachine Guns of World War Two.
Category: Know Your Weapons
The AK-74 in Ukraine
THE AK-74 IN UKRAINE: A HISTORY & MORE For all you fellow Kalash Lovers and AK Afficonados out there. Know Your History. Know Your Weapons. Know your Ammo.
More Proof you Don’t need a “Scary Black Rifle” to Inflict Serious Damage in a Crowd
Highland Park Shooters’ Weapons Identified by Police So a 22 year old man dressed as a woman was armed with a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 (9mm caliber carbine) Glock 43X, (9mm caliber) a Remington 700 (bolt-action rifle) and a Shotgun. No caliber mentioned for the Remington Bolt Action rifle, but as for the Shotgun I…
Know Your Obscure WW2 Weapons: The British PIAT Gun
A SINGLE SHOT THAT SAVED D-DAY: THE BRITISH PIAT A Spring Loaded Anti-Tank Gun that you had to Manually Cock to fire and be within 100 yards to be accurate. Yeah Sounds like a Hoot!
Know Your Weapons: The American Enfield AKA the US Model 1917 Magazine Rifle
The American Enfield AKA the US Model 1917 Magazine Rifle You can’t go wrong with a Mauser Action in .30-06 Caliber!
Know Your Weapons: The Danish Hovea M/49
This gun caught my eye because of it’s striking similarity to the Swedish K or Carl Gustav m/45 and once you learn of the background you will readily see why! Who said Husqvarna only made Tractors!
Know Your Weapons: Remington Model 8 (.35 Remington)
Beautiful Example of the true Genius of John Moses Browning
Hideout Guns
Six of the Smallest Handguns on the Market Today Stash em’ where you might need them! You never know when you’ll need a Friend! I can attest that the NAA Black Widow in .22 Magnum/.22 Long Rifle is a handy pocket rocket!
Know Your Weapons: German Maschinenpistole 18
Know Your Weapons: The Astra 600 – Old School Cool
The Astra 600 – Old School Cool In my 20 or so years collecting I only came across an Astra 600 once, and I passed on it because the guy was way too proud of it and would not budge on the price, primarily because of the German markings. I regret that now. This…