Prior to the Peacemaker The Revolvers that ‘Really’ Won the West Before the Colt Peacemaker? Before the Colt Peacemaker there was a whole boatload of other Colt single action revolvers. And in truth they had a lot more influence in the Old West than did the Peacemaker because the wildest and woolliest times had passed by…
Category: Know Your Weapons
Know Your WW1 Weapon’s History: The Flammenwerfer
Flammenwefer — World War I German Flamethrowers It appears the first flamethrower of modern design was patented in Germany by Richard Fiedler in 1901. During the same year, the German army funded his continued work on flamethrower designs. Fiedler, a private citizen, designed several flamethrowers models and presented a working product to the German…
Know Your Rifles: The “Krag” aka Springfield Model 1892 Infantry Rifle
Story of the Krag: The Springfield Model 1892 Infantry Rifle The formal appellation Springfield Model 1892-1899 describes the several subvariants of the Krag-Jorgensen bolt-action repeating rifle developed in the late 19th century. U.S. troops affectionately referred to the weapon as a “Krag.” The rifle was actually a collaborative effort of Norwegian gun designers Ole Herman…
Know Your WW2 Weapons: The German K43 Rifle, Deutschland’s DMR
GERMAN K43 RIFLE: DEUTSCHLAND’S DMR K43 is German shorthand for Karabiner 43. The same weapon was also known as the Gewehr 43. A relatively simple gas-operated design, the K43 was the German answer to our M1 Garand. However, manufacturing pressures and a suboptimal design conspired to keep the K43 from reaching its full potential….
Know Your Firearms History: The Blunderbuss and Thanksgiving
The Blunderbuss and Thanksgiving This is one of those instances where it pays to know your History! The Blunderbuss and Plymouth Rock were separated by a span of more than 30 years!
Know Your Ammo: The 25 ACP – The Worst Carry Caliber
The 25 ACP – The Worst Carry Caliber The .25 ACP, the infamous “mouse fart” gun!
Know Your Weapons: The Sterling SMG
Sterling Submachinegun: The Arsenal of Villainy The Sterling submachine gun was initially developed in 1944 as a replacement for the dubious Sten. The inexpensive Sten was the right gun at the right time for Britain with her back against the sea after the miraculous Dunkirk evacuation. However, the crude nature of the Sten along with…
Know Your Enemy: The Russian BTR
H/T Mason Dixon Survivalist Association Not to be confused with the Russian BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV).
Know Your Weapons: The SMLE
SMLE “Time obliterates naive fictions of opinion and confirms decisions of nature” -Cicero Ambrose Burnside, designer of the short-lived Burnside Carbine, and Civil War General (of dubious fame), went on the become Governor of the State of Rhode Island, Senator from the State of Rhode Island, famous advocate for veterans, and the first president of…
Know Your Weapons: The Lewes Bomb
WHO DARES WINS with a Lewes Bomb! BBC is currently running a Six episode series titled SAS Rogue Heroes based on the book by Ben MacIntyre. I have only watched half of it so far but from what I have seen I like it.