M1 Carbine history: More than the Garand’s Little Brother Great write up on one of my favorite WWII-era weapons. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Know Your Weapons
Firearms History: Thompson Submachine Gun, .30 Caliber Prototype
A Tale of Two Histories: Thompson Submachine Gun, .30-Caliber Prototype It never ceases to amaze me at the different types of proto-types the U.S Military tried out.
Know Your Weapons: Hungarian 44M “Mace Thrower”
Hungarian Army: 44M “Mace Thrower” I am always interested in Partisan warfare and weaponry and this one is amazing. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Schouboe Automatic Pistol
Know Your Weapons. Fascinating piece of Danish engineering! https://youtube.com/watch?v=X-kDwkDDTsk%3Fversion%3D3%26rel%3D1%26fs%3D1%26autohide%3D2%26showsearch%3D0%26showinfo%3D1%26iv_load_policy%3D1%26wmode%3Dtransparent In 1903, Danish engineer Jens Schouboe began developing an automatic pistol for the Dansk Rekylriffel Syndikat in Copenhagen (later to become the Madsen company). He made the guns in both .32ACP and also in a proprietary Danish .45 caliber based (I believe) on the centerfire…
Know Your Weapons History: Oliver Winchester
Oliver Winchester was born in Boston, on November 30, 1810. He started his career with a clothing company based out of New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. After successfully running this aspect of his business, Winchester began to look for new opportunities. Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson (yes, that “Smith & Wesson” who later…
Know Your Weapons: History of the Mosin-Nagant Rifle
History of the Mosin Nagant Rifle One of the first model of C/R Rifles I bought was the Mosin Nagant (Primarily because back then they were cheap!) I bought a M91/30 and a M44 Fire Breathing Dragon Beast. I Fell in love instantly.
MG-42: German Machine Gun
Know Your Weapons!
Firearms of the Old West: The Walker Colt
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Know Your Weapons
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Know Your Weapons
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!