Keen Insights: Let’s Talk Lock-Blades If you carry a folder around, this is a great article to read and consider. I replaced my folder with a small fixed blade years ago. Prepare Accordingly!
Category: Knife Laws
Non-Permissive (Non-Metallic) Weapons
POCKET PREPS: NONMETALLIC WEAPONS SEVEN STEALTHY TOOLS FOR SELF-DEFENSE IN NON-PERMISSIVE ENVIRONMENTS We live in a hyper-security conscious world for the most part. Metal detectors and body scanners are popping up everywhere now, even in the most unlikely of places. Combine this with traveling overseas to countries where personal weapons are strictly forbidden and…
Integrated Combatives | Why You Should Always Bring a Knife to a Gunfight
INTEGRATED COMBATIVES Why You Should Always Bring a Knife to a Gunfight The Combative Continuum is a concept that once you grasp it can change the way you look at Self-Defense. This is why the USMC Martial Arts Program saying “One Mind, Any Weapon” is so applicable in Civilian Self-Defense Training. Stay Alert, Armed…
Know Your Knives: The Wharncliffe Blade
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Knife Attacks: Insights, Strategies, and Pro Tips
Knife Attacks: Insights, Strategies, and Pro Tips Solid information from the Mad Duo over at BB&C.
Knife “Dueling?”
KNIFE DUELING? I have never been a fan of the term “Knife Fight” or “Knife Duel” simply because in all my years I have never seen one, except in Hollyweird. Anything involving a knife in the real world has always been Fast, Bloody and most of the time DEADLY, which is why I have been…
The Budget Shank
The Budget Shank Looking for a weapon with no metallic signature? A Perfect choice for those pesky Non-Permissive environments. (Thanks to Active Response Training for the Heads Up!)
Why I Abandoned the Pocket Clip Folding Knife
For the CO, having an outward “sterile” appearance is mandatory to retain tactical surprise. This is why I support Concealed vs Open Carry for firearms. But what about knives? When it comes to knives, most CO’s are relegated to just sticking (ie “clipping”) a “tactical” folder in their pocket and moving on. But have…
The Key to Cutting Deep
The Key to Cutting Deep A very eye opening and practical article from Mike Janich. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
More Stabbings in Londonistan
MORE STABBINGS IN LONDONISTAN “Once one of the greatest, most powerful cities on earth — now a third world shithole. Well done, Mayor Khan and Prime Minister May.” So how is that Diversity and Multiculturalism toward muslim “immigrants” combined with some of the most restrictive weapon (firearm) laws in the world working out…