Men and women, some whose clothes were still marked with gray ash, walked dazedly toward Union Square. Many did not know what to do or where to go. So they kept on walking. They knew the country was under attack, but they did not know how bad it was or what might still be heading…
Category: Islam Invasion
Crusader Corner: Islam in America, Part II: April-June 2015
More than half (51%) of Muslims in America believe they should “have the choice of being governed according to Sharia.” Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts. Nearly a quarter believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to…
ISIS Corner: Why ISIS is Destroying Libya’s Oil
A very clear and concise article that explains one of ISIS’s main characteristics when it comes to Strategy: If they cannot control it or make money off of it, they Kill it. -SF For the second time this month, massive clouds of black smoke from burning oil billowed above Libya. The first time, in early…
Jihadist Does Dry Run at Paris Disneyland: Is America Next?
Not fear mongering, just trying to guess the next move. And the last line in this article is a joke and shows the complete naivety of Political Correctness that infects this world currently when it concerns islam and terrorism: “We don’t know if he had the intention of causing harm.”… ??? Really?? You don’t know huh?…
Crusader Corner: Final Tally that Shows how much U.S. Govt. Values your Safety (and Christianity)
Numbers don’t lie, and often tell their own story…with all the CHRISTIAN persecution going on in the world, I think you can see where our Govt’s loyalties lie. No real surprise, just a reminder. -SF Syrian refugees admitted into US since Paris jihad murders in November: 525 Muslims, 1 Christian Relax, kaffir. What could possibly…
Iran’s President states “Insulting Peoples Faith Not Part of Freedom of Expression”
The OIC and CAIR are nothing but Political arms of the jihadist…they cozy up to socialist like our President and all the European leaders and whisper sweet nothings in their ears….And this is how the EU and the UN are going to PASS Laws that jail people who speak out against Islam folks. The Pope…
Crusader Corner: Christian Patrol in England Marches through Islamic “No-Go” Zone
This is what is happening all over the World, Muslims are assaulting, raping and murdering innocent people, all of them “non-muslims”, with a large majority of them Christians and Jews. These non-muslim “No-Go” Zones exist in islamic neighborhoods all over the world but their existence is denied by “multi-culturalist”; Exibit 1 Below. Witness the barbarism…
ISIS Corner: Dunford calls for Military Action against ISIS in Libya
Dunford said that international military action against ISIS in Libya could be expected within weeks. Two weeks after Algerian media for the first time reported that something dramatic was about to happen in Libya, it becomes increasingly clear that the West is indeed planning to take the fight against Islamic State in a new way…
Cameroon Massacre: 32 Killed by Boko Haram Suicide Bombers
Cameroon: Jihad martyrdom suicide bombers murder 32, wound dozens “Suicide bombers kill 32, wound dozens in northern Cameroon,” by Josiane Kouagheu, Reuters, January 25, 2016: DOUALA, Cameroon (Reuters) – Suicide bombers targeting a town in northern Cameroon killed 32 people and wounded 66 on Monday, one of the worst attacks yet in the Central…
It is Time America Cared about CHRISTIAN Refugees as much as MUSLIM refugees
OK America, the socialist islamo-fascist powers that be got this entire country (at least all the liberals) in a tither about a bunch of worthless, freeloading muslim refugees, who, after all the kindness that was shown to them, ended up raping, pillaging and terrorizing Europe. How come there is not the same amount of press…