Terror Pandemic in Europe. Let’s dispense with euphemisms and just call it what it is. -SF The motive or explanation for this crime is completely unclear.” No, it isn’t. And as long as you keep telling yourselves that, you’re just inviting more attacks like this one. “Munich shooting: Gunman acted alone, say police,” BBC, July…
Category: Islam Invasion
Crusader Corner: The Story of Levi Shirley – The American ‘ISIS Fighting Vigilante’
When Levi J. Shirley was growing up, he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and join the U.S. military, his mother said. His father, Russell, had served three tours with the Army in Vietnam, and Levi became “obsessed” with joining the Marine Corps. The younger Shirley had bad eyesight, however. He trained with other…
How The Media Covers Up Muslim and #BlackLivesMatter Terrorism
I seem to remember saying something exactly like this? Thanks Daniel for a great article. -SF Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. No sooner are the bloodstains and bits of human flesh hosed off the concrete from the latest Muslim or #BlackLivesMatter…
Farnam Quips: Survival Lessons Learned From Recent Terror Attacks
From recent terrorist incidents, several life and death survival lessons emerge: 1. Don’t head for the restroom! Restrooms are dead ends. There is likely no exit from the restroom. You will be trapped there. When you don’t see another eligible exit, head for the kitchen. The kitchen always has a back door! 2. Have a…
Dose of Truth: What They ARE NOT Telling You About the Nice Terror Attack
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Examining Terrorist Tactics: TATP and the New Breed of Homemade Explosive Devices
By Hammerhead It appears the Homemade Explosive Device that detonated in Central Park over the 4th of July Weekend was indeed made with TATP. The actuating trigger on the device was a pressure sensitive plate, which leads me to believe this WAS NOT a hobbyist left behind experiment, but an actual IED booby trap left…
Deconstructing Terrorism: Truck Attacks – A Frightening Tool of Terror With A History
By Peter Bergen It used to be that we worried about truck bombs. Now we have to worry about trucks used as weapons. The tactic has been adopted by jihadist terrorists in the West, including in the United States, but fortunately the lethality of these attacks has been relatively low — until Friday’s attack in…
Examining Terrorist Tactics: Using Vehicles as Weapons
Our Prayers are with all the families of the Dead, but especially the Copeland Family from Austin, Texas. May God Comfort them and also bring swift justice on the evildoers. -SF The Latest Death Toll in Nice, France has reached 84 Dead, Including 2 Texan-Americans as a Terrorist used a truck loaded with grenades…
Crusader Corner: Opportunist Jihadist & BLM Joining Forces
The jihadist mantra is “death to America, death to the Jews.” While the Arab social media gloated over the slaughter of policemen in Dallas, where the prestigious job of police chief is held by a black man, jihadists have been courting blacks for some time. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for murder of police…
Crusader Corner: The BLM/CAIR/Hamas Alliance Is As Plain As Day and Yet It Is Ignored
Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said it plainly at the 14th Annual MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America) Convention in December 2015: “Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.” Khalilah Sabra, another Muslim activist, told the Muslim conference:…