A Fire has been Started and is about to Sweep the Land. Prepare and Arm Yourselves. Si Vis Pachem Para Bellum! (If you wish peace, prepare for war!) Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Islam Invasion
Muslim Abdisaid Mohammed AKA Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda | Who Knew
More about the Mall of America Incident.
More Muslim Hate
The Truth About Muslim Hate Why has the media done this? We allow these people to teach their hate. Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, 24, lives in Ilhan Omar’s district in Minneapolis. ?????? https://t.co/CBb56UDadd View image on Twitter Angela Clarice@AngelaClar1 The Mall of America suspect’s real name is ABDISAID MOHAMED, but legally changed his name to Emmanuel…
What Will Islam Do to America? Look at European Cities!
A great reminder but I would preface it with this: LIBERALISM and FAR LEFT IDEOLOGY (including such things as ‘Multiculturalism’) are a far bigger threat to the overall well being and Safety of this Republic than islam. If you follow the example of the U.K. and Europe it was Liberalism and a rejection of Christianity…
Bodycam Video of Fountain Hills Terrorism Case
Man shot by deputy in Fountain Hills accused of terrorism on behalf of ISIS I don’t know about you but all this does is bolster my resolve in Securing the Southern Border. According to my friend Tim “Nailer” Foley over at Arizona Border Recon, muslims/jihadist are crossing illegally into the U.S. on a regular…
Islam Enters Congress
For all you fellow Historians out there who have studied the Fall of Great Empires like Rome, the enemies (barbarians) are no longer at the gate, they are inside the walls and being welcomed with open arms. Ask yourself: If this is the type of Govt this country is going to have, is a Shutdown…
The Epitome of Islam Ass Kissing and Vile Globalism
Saudi Arabia Flag And Statue Proclaiming Allah As God Installed At Ground Zero In New York Instead of spending all this tax payer money for this altar to islam and globalism, why didn’t they just line up the families of all the 9/11 victims and slap them across the face while saying ‘We piss…
Know Your History: The Cross of St. James Matamoros (The Moor Slayer)
I came across this awesome piece of history via an interview Alex Jones did with Matthew Bracken. Now while I am not a big Alex Jones fan, I am a huge fan of Matthew Bracken, both as an author and political commentator. If you have not read any of Bracken’s books, I highly recommend them…
More Stabbings in Londonistan
MORE STABBINGS IN LONDONISTAN “Once one of the greatest, most powerful cities on earth — now a third world shithole. Well done, Mayor Khan and Prime Minister May.” So how is that Diversity and Multiculturalism toward muslim “immigrants” combined with some of the most restrictive weapon (firearm) laws in the world working out…
Know Your History: How the Ottomans Lost the Battle of Vienna in 1683
When you study the history of how that worthless pagan religion of islam was finally defeated and drove out of Europe for good, no other date is more important than 1683 and the Battle of Vienna. With Europe currently under yet another islamic invasion, it is INTEGRAL that Christians the world over learn from history…