Red Alert for Android Users: Google Gives Police Your Identification If Police Say You Were Near a Crime Back in the day, cops had to put physical “bugs” (recording devices) in criminals’ houses and cars. Now, they just use your phone, especially if you’re on Android. No worries, even if you’re using Apple, you…
Category: Intelligence Tradecraft
The Surveillance State: The A.I. Surveillance Tool DHS Uses to Detect ‘Sentiment and Emotion’
H/T Lenny Ladner The A.I. Surveillance Tool DHS Uses to Detect ‘Sentiment and Emotion’ Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, has bought millions of dollars worth of software from a company that uses artificial intelligence to detect “sentiment and emotion” in online posts, according to a…
The Guerilla’s Guide to Baofeng Radio
When it comes to Off-Grid/Guerilla/Partisan Comms there is no greater authority in my opinion than NC Scout, aka Brushbeater. “It’s been a long time in the making, but the book is finally out. With chapters on communications planning, improvised antennas, operational considerations for sustainment, tactical and clandestine purposes, digital operations and yes, encryption, this…
The History of Irregular Warfare (Six-Part Series)
H/T WRSA Irregular Warfare Six-Part Series Superb series I recommend you put on your Reference flash drive. While you are it, Guide to the Analysis of an Insurgency is also worth downloading. Arm Up, Read Up and Train and Prepare Accordingly.
The Surveillance State: Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers
Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers A press release on Tuesday from the ODNI revealed that the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), their research and development arm, is starting work on the Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure program – HIATUS for short.
Reference Library: 150 Questions for a Guerilla
H/T WRSA Alberto Bayo y Giroud was a Cuban-born officer who fought in the civil war in Spain and the revolution in Cuba. He was responsible for training the small cadre that would land on the island in 1956 and which included Ernesto Guevara and the Castro brothers. This volume is drawn from…
Insurgency Lessons Learned from the “Big Fella”
Ukraine Invasion: Preparedness Lessons Learned
Ukraine Invasion: Preparedness Lessons Learned A good, practical read for the Armed Citizen. The bottom line is that we should not be wasting our time watching, reading and arguing about war propaganda. The Nature of War is Deceit and Lies. We should be using our valuable time to Train and Prepare so we don’t…
Comprehensive List of OSINT Tools
The post Comprehensive List of OSINT Tools appeared first on American Partisan. Comprehensive List of OSINT Tools — American Partisan
The Insurgent Sleep Cycle
Via American Partisan