Via: Matthew Bracken Substack Circa 1997, I was in Panama, on the Caribbean side, getting my boat ready to transit the canal to the Pacific. I was walking from Colon’s old so-called yacht club (now long gone) through an industrial port area to get to Colon City. When I was passing about…
Category: Intelligence Tradecraft
Tuesday Head Scratcher
Essential Reading Trifecta **Before you shell out your precious hard earned shekels for ANY book, ALWAYS check the Internet Archive for possible FREE Download options.**
Reflections on “Operation Grim Beeper” (what a name!)
Reflections on “Operation Grim Beeper” (what a name!) A Twitter thread offers some interesting perspectives on the exploding pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon. A few thoughts on Operation Grim Beeper: 1) This is one of the most astonishing intelligence operations in history. It is a reworking of the story of the Trojan Horse for the digital…
Future Warfare: You Can’t go to War With Your Factory
You Can’t go to War With Your Factory I know I talk about the book Ghost Fleet a lot on this blog, but it seems every time I read an article about WW3 or China, I am reminded of something I read in that book! Think for a moment how much of a disadvantage…
S2 Underground Graphic Intelligence Summary (GRINTSUM)
FUSA Bulletin: Speak into the Microphone Comrade
Eighty-Six House Republicans Vote for Warrantless Surveillance of Americans All bets are off when it comes to so-called “Constitutional Protections” folks. These “elected” POS are reneging on the whole ball of wax. Big Brother is Listening. Prepare and Act Accordingly.
Dead Shooters Tell No Tales
Dead Shooters Tell No Tales Make sure to watch the 9 minute video and read this one twice. When you put all the pieces together this is one of the most plausible scenarios for the false flag/ mass shooter epidemic IMO: “Inducing “mental illness” through Electronic Warfare to create the “lone gunman” to cause…
Riskmap is a free global monitoring platform which Sources data from global media and social channels. Their intelligence engine continuously monitors thousands of sources in multiple languages which filter out the noise and enpower you to extract useful information to provide accurate intelligence insights. Riskmap is a free threat assessment service that requires an…