I highly Recommend everybody read the book Future Crimes by Marc Goodman to get an in-depth look at how deep this cyber rabbit hole really goes. And really read those “Service Agreements” and “Privacy Statements” before you download that next free app!-SF The term was coined in 2005 when businesses began attempting to gather data…
Category: Information Warfare
Apple’s FBI Battle is Complicated, Here is What is Really Going On
THE NEWS THIS week that a magistrate ordered Apple to help the FBI hack an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooter suspects has polarized the nation—and also generated some misinformation. Those who support the government say Apple has cooperated in the past to unlock dozens of phones in other cases—so why…
Quick Facts: Iran is Waging Textbook 4th Generation Warfare Against Israel
At this moment Iran is waging a clinic on 21st Century 4th Generation Warfare against Israel. Consider the facts: Israeli Infrastructure such as Electrical Power Grid and Water Supply has had repeated hacker attacks Hezbollah has launched a HUGE Cyber-Attack on Israel to include hacking a Former IDF Army Chief of Staff Computer Social and Political Unrest…
What is an Existential Threat?
A short, concise 3 minute read that I think nails the MAIN issue regarding U.S. Foreign Policy currently. Now I don’t play Politics, but ask yourself; out of all the Presidential hopefuls, which one would you want making a decision like the one described below? If you are like me, your answer is NONE OF…
Crusader Corner: FBI Unable to Crack San Bernardino Killers Cell Phone
Wow. Mind Boggling. One of the biggest, bloated bureaucracies on the planet and we cannot crack a damn cell phone? I mean consider the resources at hand: we have the monstrosity that is the DHS, the NSA, CIA, DIA and still no dice on a cell phone? Something tells me the FBI is back to…
Hacker Plans to Dump Alleged Details of 20K FBI and 9K DHS Employees
If the account given below is accurate, it will not matter HOW MUCH money the US Govt spends on Cyber Defense. We have bonafide IDIOTS giving away information on “how-to” access secure Govt. data. You cannot FIX STUPID folks. And oh yeah, Iran is now a viable threat. -SF A hacker, who wishes to…
The Espionage Economy
U.S. firms are making billions selling spyware to dictators. By James Bamford Ricardo Martinelli resides in a condo at the Atlantis, a luxury high-rise on Florida’s Biscayne Bay made famous by the TV series Miami Vice. A hefty, white-haired billionaire, Martinelli, 63, was viewed just a few years ago as one of Latin America’s most…
Just Another Reason Why You Should Dump Facebook
Facebook’s War on Freedom of Speech By Douglas Murray Facebook is now removing speech that presumably almost everybody might decide is racist — along with speech that only someone at Facebook decides is “racist.” The sinister reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already…
Security Firm Warns of NEW Chinese Cyber Attacks
China is stepping up their game and timeline for War. -SF China’s cyber attacks against U.S. government and private sector databases are part of a major intelligence-gathering operation and are likely to continue, according to a new report by a cyber security firm. Chinese hackers stole health care data pertaining to some 80 million Americans…
Can China be Deterred in Cyber-Space?
Deterring state actors from attacks that do not reach the level of force is difficult. If we look at the cyber realm, the effectiveness of deterrence depends on who (state or non-state) one tries to deter and which of their behaviors. Ironically, deterring major states like China from acts of force may be easier than…