By John Sipher of the Cipher Brief Across the Central Intelligence Agency lobby from the iconic stars memorializing officers killed in the line of duty is a less well-known memorial. It is an understated relief in honor of those foreign spies who risked and lost their lives to provide secret information to the United States. …
Category: Information Warfare
Why You Should More Afraid of Apple than the Feds
I know I suggest this book alot, but you need to read Future Crimes by Marc Goodman. It will absolutely open your eyes to how companies like Apple, Microsoft and the thousands of other Data Brokers out there COLLECT your personal, private information and then treat it as a valuable commodity to be bought and…
Is Putin Really Dr. Moriarty?
An excellent article on understanding how Russian Hybrid Warfare manipulates the current geo-political spectrum. -SF We know ISIS is bad because it killed people in San Bernardino and Paris. We know Iran is bad because it’s still developing nuclear weapons. We know Russia is bad…because…well, didn’t Charlie Rose once say something about that? Or was…
Crusader Corner: How Gitmo is Used in Jihadist Propaganda (Hint: It’s Less than Obama Suggest)
In his last year in office, President Obama has submitted to Congress a plan to achieve what he had promised to do in his first: Close the facility housing terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the interim, Obama and a series of other officials, including former CIA Director David Petraeus, have called the prison a propaganda tool for terrorists….
Why You Should Side With Apple and Not the FBI in the San Bernardino I-Phone Case
I have the utmost respect for Bruce. The man knows his stuff and is the final word in topics of this sort. -SF By Bruce Schneier Earlier this week, a federal magistrate ordered Apple to assist the FBI in hacking into the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple will fight this order…
The FBI’s War on Phones Is Bigger Than You Think
What a surprise, the Government Lied and are trying to access other phones not part of the investigation…I seem to remember Apple’s CEO warning about this, no? -SF Apple’s lawyers revealed the feds want access to about a dozen devices after San Bernardino. James Comey, the director of the FBI, has insisted that his agency’s…
Your Next “Recon” Drone
Something to put on your “Man Toys” list. Never know when you might need some aerial surveillance of something or someone, and the best part is you can own it off the books. -SF The palm-sized ONAGOfly is an affordable GPS-enabled drone that automatically takes photos using smile and obstacle recognition technology. Normally the Federal…
A Bite of the Apple: Privacy Versus National Security
There is an interesting conundrum in the works between the FBI and Apple. But interestingly enough, while several other companies (Like Google) have come out in support, the public sector is not raising the same cry as they should. Perhaps they don’t understand the issue. When the smart phone hit the scene, it took the world…
Cyber-Crime: JP Morgan Invents Algorithm to “Sniff Out” Rogue Traders
I swear every day we get closer to the movie “Minority Report” being a reality..the “authorities” knowing you are guilty of a crime before you commit it! Combine this with the current fight with Apple and the FBI you start to see the big SCARY picture. -SF Wall Street traders are already threatened by…
Cyber-Warfare: Nitro-Zeus
A new documentary on “Stuxnet”, the joint U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, reveals it was just a small part of a much bigger cyber operation against the nation’s military and civilian infrastructure under the code name “NITRO ZEUS” The United States hacked into critical civilian and military infrastructure in Iran to allow its operatives…