It’s Better to Shut Off the Computer I’ll let you in on a little secret. A knife has never been my go to choice for self-protection. I train with them. I instruct in the use of them. Hell, I’ve designed them. It was my dislike of the knife that drew me to better understand it….
Category: Improvised Weapons
One Mind, Any Weapon
‘It was pure instinct’: Brazilian Deliveroo driver tells of moment he stopped Parnell Street attacker In the violent, unpredictable world we live in today the martial citizen must possess the Combative Mentality of ONE MIND, ANY WEAPON. In other words, it does not matter HOW you defeat your attacker, whether it be with a…
The Guerilla Gunsmith: Building a Pipe Shotgun
Building a Pipe Shotgun with the Pop-A .410 DIY Kit Practical Skill-Set’s like this are NEVER a bad thing to have in your bad pocket folks. Will things get so bad that we will NEED something like this? Before you answer that go over to Impro Guns Blog and peruse some of the weapons…
Guerilla Gunsmith: Building a 12 Gauge Pistol
Building a 12 Gauge Pistol This “machinist shop special” comes to us from Thailand. All I can say make sure your life insurance is paid up before you pull the trigger on this beast!
Impro Guns: Welder’s Nightmare
Welder’s Nightmare (Minas Gerais, Brazil) In case you were wondering, yes the cocaine is included with this contraption, as is a Life Insurance policy. 😂
Homemade Gun Horror
Via Impro Guns Considering the overall design (or lack thereof) of this accident waiting to happen, (check out the barrel) I would name this one the “Ecuadorian Wrist and Face Massage with a very likely chance of being Permanently Blinded” Gun. 😂 Another fun wrist breaker and Face Smasher…
Myanmar Guerillas Using Homemade Weaponry
H/T Impro Guns Another video of PDF fighters taking shots at Junta forces from an entrenched position. Pictures and videos have previously surfaced of bolt action .223 rifles which appear to be the same featured. At least one appears to be a bolt action 12 gauge shotgun. Guerilla forces have also been known to…
Plan For The Worst- Preparing for Abduction and Restraint
Plan For The Worst- Preparing for Abduction and Restraint Some previous post on this subject can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. I also recommend watching the two vids Below:
The Folly of Gun Control in Brazil
Where there is a WILL there is a WAY. Never under estimate men who want to be armed. This is a snapshot of FUSA in under 10 years. After Balkanization is complete, hundreds of skilled armorers will begin churning out QUALITY Weaponry despite the Federal Govt.’s aim to “CONTROL” it. Are you Prepared to be…
Know Your History: The Molotov Cocktail vs The Tank
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL VS. TANK: A HISTORY OF THIS DESPERATE MEASURE Concise history on the Molotov as an Anti-Tank Measure down through the decades of modern warfare. The free pdf book David’s Tool Kit: A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons is an awesome resource for the Armed Citizen. Download yours Today! …