Rooted in the Soil “Which is why the royal personage who was entombed in Plas Gogerddan in Ceredigion in Wales is so important because just like the ship burial of his ‘significant other’ overlooking the River Deben near Woodbridge in Suffolk, he, like his ancestors, are rooted in the soil of these islands and are…
Category: History Myths
Language Family Tree
Fascinating Read.
Know Your History: The Last Americans To Believe in the Voluntary Union of the States
The Last Americans To Believe in the Voluntary Union of the States A bloody and pathetic page fromThe War of Northern Aggression that has been purposely obfuscated by the Federal Gub Mint for over One Hundred and Fifty years. Just remember when the chips are down and things get spicy in the next few…
Celebrating White History and Culture Every Day of the Year: Whiteness is More than Anti-Blackness
Whiteness Is More Than Anti-Blackness From the 2013 Archives.
MLK Day Proves One Thing: Blacks Have Always Loved to Celebrate a Degenerate!
One of the great things about history is how it can help us understand the present. Let’s face it, and call a spade a spade: Martin Luther King Jr. was no saint. Despite all of his “accomplishments” of leading blacks and minorities to the so-called “promised land” which in essence turned out to be…
Colt M1877 Revolver
COLT M1877 REVOLVER You can never learn enough about the six-gun in my opinion, especially if you are a western writer! Anybody who has ever tried to fire a double action revolver accurately, take a close look at John Wesley Hardin’s perforated playing cards. Amazing stuff.
Know Your History: A Critical Look at the Polish ‘Pogroms’ of 1914–1920
A Critical Look at the Polish ‘Pogroms’ of 1914–1920 I recently had the good fortune to read William Hagen’s Cambridge-published Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920, one of the most interesting books I’ve read on Jewish-European relations since John Doyle Klier’s Oxford-published work on the Tsarist pogroms. It’s always refreshing to see scholars of European heritage…
Your Move, Normiecon…
Your Move, Normiecon… “The truth is there never was much difference between the Confederates and the Founders in the minds of the Far Left. They hate both because they represent Western civilization. The only difference is that the Far Left realized that they could not show all their cards and needed to have some…
Tribalism Ascendant
Tribalism Ascendant A trifecta of articles on FUSA, Tribalism and Race. I highly recommend you read them all twice and then pass them on to somebody you care about. Time is Short and things are about to go from Spicy to Nuclear Hot real quick. Highlights: “Individual rights and individual liberty, the rule…
Know Your WW2 History: Latvia 1940-41/ Witness the Real Horrors of Jewish Communism
Latvia: Year of Jewish Instigated Horror You won’t find this one in your ZOG approved US Board of Education WW2 History Books, that is for sure. Next time you see one of these dickless purple haired ANTIFA beta’s with a hammer and sickle flag, refer back to this article. You can download a free…