American Pravda: Lost Histories of the Great War “On reading this, I did a double-take and almost questioned my sanity. Surely, Hochschild must be aware that exactly at that point in time, the government of Germany had publicly proposed international peace talks without preconditions aimed at ending the war, suggesting that the massive, pointless…
Category: History Myths
Know Your Firearms History: The Blunderbuss and Thanksgiving
The Blunderbuss and Thanksgiving This is one of those instances where it pays to know your History! The Blunderbuss and Plymouth Rock were separated by a span of more than 30 years!
Know Your U.K. History: The Windrush Lie
How Britain Built Diversity Like most things predicated upon falsehoods, the lie of “Diversity is our Strength” does not stand up well to intense scrutiny. This is why it is so important to KNOW your History, not just some academic liberal twat’s interpretation of it. Great Britain: It Wasn’t Like Enoch Did Not Warn…
Mass Immigration And The “Civil Rights” Movement Are Twins
Mass Immigration And The “Civil Rights” Movement Are Twins “Having been so indoctrinated from a young age about the Civil Rights Act, it feels awkward just writing about repealing it. As if that were somehow unpatriotic. In modern terms, it’s up there as a sacred document like the Bill of Rights or the Declaration…
Requiem for a Culture: Parts 1 and 2
H/T WRSA Requiem for a Culture, Part 1: The Sentinel Requiem for a Culture, Part 2: The Battle Flag
Hating the Saxon
Hating the Saxon: The Academic Battle Against The English Origin Story While reading this I was reminded of Orwell’s quote: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” Neo-Liberal Academia have been trying to revise, distort and marginalize the history of the White race to fit…
A Refutation of Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War by T.J. Stiles
Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War Being a writer, historian and defender of Southern History, more specifically “Reconstruction Era” Southern/Confederate History that is rife with political bias and inaccuracies by writers looking to demonize not only the Confederate cause but also the good, God fearing Southern people (many of them my relatives)…
¿Quien es, Pete?
¿Quien es, Pete? As far as Old West History goes, no other person or story had a more profound impact on me as a writer than Billy the Kid. When I was fifteen years old, my parents took me on a three-week summer RV trip to New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. While in New…
Know Your History: Civil War Myths
H/T WRSA Civil War Myths, Parts 1 and 2 In a Nutshell: The Civil War was NOT fought to end Slavery. The war was fought by the North to keep the South from seceding and to strengthen Northern control over the Southern states. The North, or Union, was fighting against the rights of states; it…
Black Nationalist Thugs Storm Nursing Home in North Carolina
Black nationalist who led dozens to storm a retirement home in search of 87-year-old Emmett Till accuser The Burn Loot and Murder Squad have moved on from burning down cities and looting Target stores to storming Retirement Homes and threatening an elderly White Woman with lynching for a case that happened 67 years ago…