Were Vikings in South America Over 400 Years Before Columbus? Here is presented the widely dismissed account that probably sometime in the mid-11th century, Danish Vikings from Schleswig and the Danelaw (as ascertained from runic rock inscriptions) arrived at Santos in Brazil and proceeded inland to Paraguay. From a fortified hill near the Brazilian border, they…
Category: History Myths
Liberals and Conservatives Don’t Understand History
Liberals and Conservatives Don’t Understand History “As the left and center-right continue to battle it out over a culture war the left has already won, it’s important to note that neither side cares about the truth. They are simply using narratives to fulfill their own short term pointless objectives. The reality is that race…
Celebrating White History: 1676 – The Year that Shaped White America
1676: A Year That Shaped White America The Dissident Right must take back American history. The Dissident Right must tell the (correct) identitarian view of the country. The history we’re force-fed at school upholds the prevalent liberal view. America was founded on the ideas of equality and liberty (and possibly diversity, too). America is…
Black History Month Palate Cleanser
Black History Resources (ie Articles Proving It’s All Horseshit and Propaganda!) It occurred to me that this being Anti-White February (aka Black History Month) I would be irresponsible of me as a Proud Southern White Man if I did not provide some kind of counter-balance/palate cleanser for the never ending stream of black propaganda horse…
Top 5 Biographies of Robert E. Lee
1. R.E. Lee by Douglas Southall Freeman Published in 1934, this four-volume book by Douglas Southall Freeman chronicles all of the major events and highlights of Robert E. Lee’s military career. The book discusses everything from Lee’s experiences in the Mexican-War to his surrender at Appomattox. Freeman depicts Lee as an honest, straightforward man who is…
Rethinking Martin Luther King Day in 2023
Rethinking Martin Luther King Day in 2023 Let the Dindu’s and Hypocritical Cucked White Liberals Celebrate a Black Communist Birthday… For the Rest of Us, We are going to Celebrate the People who Really Mattered in History! Happy Robert. E. Lee’s Birthday Readers!
Know Your History: The Anglo-Saxon Calendar
The Anglo-Saxon Calendar I think it’s safe to say that everybody reading this will agree that the world is becoming worse off for increased homogenisation and the differences between peoples gradually being ironed out. In an era of aeroplanes and instant telecommunications it’s perhaps not realistic to go back to a world where each…
Know Your Southern History: Why We Eat Black-Eyed Peas
Why We Eat Black-Eyed Peas Grandson (excitedly): “Wait, I think I know!: was it black-eyed peas?” Grandpa: “Yes, that’s right. Although our ancestors from those days usually called them by other names such as ‘cornfield peas’ or ‘cow peas.’” Grandson: “Why did they call them that?” Grandpa: “They called them cow peas because they fed them to their cattle and…
Happy Wolf Moon!
January: Wolf Moon The year’s first Full Moon, (January 6th) Wolf Moon, is named after howling wolves, but it’s also often called the Moon After Yule in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The name is thought to have a Celtic and Old English origin, brought over to North America by European settlers. Other Celtic names of the…
Creative Historical Interpretations Are Not History
Creative Historical Interpretations Are Not History This piece goes hand in hand with my most recent essay entitled The Unappointed Gatekeepers of History.