Understanding the Reverence for the Confederacy Dixie’s history is more than the Confederacy, but Dixians cannot reject it or forget about it. Similar to the Shia and Irish strategies of remembering their defeats to maintain their identity, Dixians of the past have done the same, and we must follow in that path. There is…
Category: History Myths
Know Your WW2 History: FDR Conspired to Start WW2
Roosevelt Conspired to Start World War II in Europe I will warn you ahead of time: This is a very long and dense read (I recommend splitting it up into parts) but if you want to learn the TRUTH about World War Two (not the propaganda you learned in school) I highly recommend it. For…
The Real Lincoln
H/T MnTn Mole Yes, he said this in 1859. And then, as President two short years later, he suspended the Constitution and the courts, had his detractors imprisoned without charge or bail, and invaded the Confederate States of America in order to “save the union [economy of the northern states and their fledgling…
Literary Corner: Burning Books in a Brave New 1984 World
Burning Books in a Brave New 1984 World “Those who don’t build must burn.” ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World “Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth,…
Why do we never talk about Islamic slavery?
Why do we never talk about Islamic slavery? In the current clown rodeo that is “modern culture” it is imperative that the white man have a firm grasp on the history of certain topics (slavery being one) that our enemies love to fall back on to demonize us. This is not so much to attempt…
The War on White Identity
Cambridge University: Anglo-Saxons Did Not Exist Team Globo-Homo and the Neo-Liberal ZOG Coalition continue their futile campaign of Damnatio Memoriae against anything and everything WHITE by trying to convince students at Cambridge that Anglo-Saxons did not exist.
Know Your Southern History: Southern Reconstruction 1865-1877 (Part 1 of 7)
Southern Reconstruction 1865-1877 Reconstruction was not a plan to rehabilitate the Southern economy. It was a plan to remake the South into the ideological image of the North, plunder its resources and economy, insure Republican political power in Washington for the long term, and punish the South for its rebellion and sins. The…
Think Only The South Had Slaves–Then You’ve Believed The Lie
H/T Mobius Wolf
Know Your WW2 History: German-Soviet Alliance – How the Soviet Union Enabled Hitler’s Conquests
German-Soviet Alliance: How Soviet Union Enabled Hitler’s Conquests For all you fellow amateur military historians out there, I highly recommend you bookmark the resources for this article. They make for some excellent reading by themselves: The Buildup of the German War Economy: The Importance of the Nazi-Soviet Economic Agreements of 1939 and 1940 Historian…
Three Part Synopsis of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral by Dave Spaulding
H/T Wynn Gunfight On Fremont Street: O.K. Corral Part 1 Dave Spaulding gives a detailed break down of the gunfight, putting aside historical romanticism and getting down to the brass tacks of killing and survival with a firearm in the 19th century Old West. Part Two and Part Three can be found here. …