H/T: Identity Dixie (Al Benson Jr.) The Consummate Marxist The first time I ever heard of Joseph Weydemeyer was way back in 1978 – ancient history now. A friend and mentor, Pastor Ennio Cugini, who was a Reformed Baptist pastor in Rhode Island and also a historian, sent me a picture from…
Category: History Myths
Long Live the South
Abraham Lincoln once asked General (Winfield) Scott this question: “Why is it that you were once able to take Mexico City in three months with five thousand men, and we have been unable to take Richmond with one hundred thousand men?” “I will tell you,” said General Scott. “The men who took us into…
Know Your Real WW2 History: Hitler’s War Against Globalism
(Hermit Request: Please consider Subscribing and Donating to White Rabbit over at Substack. I don’t get a dime for advertising, I just believe in supporting our COMMUNITY, so please join me.) Hitler’s War Against The Globalists (Part 1) Please share this ten minute video with friends and family. The lies that have been told…
On This Day in Obscure History: The Pig War (1859)
The Pig War — The Outrageous 1859 Crisis That Nearly Led to Conflict Between the U.S. and Britain Today in 1859, an American farmer on the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest shoots a hog owned by a British settler. The incident sparks what becomes known as the “Pig War,” a crisis that…
Know Your Real Civil War History: Herman Melville’s Terrifying Ride into Mosby’s Confederacy
Herman Melville’s Terrifying Ride into Mosby’s Confederacy On April 18, 1864, author Herman Melville rode through the twilight, embedded with the 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry, on a scouting mission deep in enemy territory. Nearly thirteen years had passed since the forty-four-old Melville had published Moby Dick, a book that was not considered a critical or commercial success…
Know Your Real Civil War History: Stealing the Crops, A Long Tradition
Stealing the Crops, A Long Tradition (Hermit Note: This is an excellent example of how the Yankees Plundered Southern Warehouses and Plantations for their own personal gain, something you WILL NOT read about in your Normie Marxist History Books.) In the first six months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine War, the Russian army stole stored…
“I’ll See You On the Beach”
This 80th D-Day Anniversary will most likely be the last for the few surviving soldiers, sailors and airmen who were there. Because of that fact I want to Honor them by stating some hard truths. Please Understand I do this not to disparage their Memory and Sacrifice, but to Expose the Vile, Corrupt and…
Real History: Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal
Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. They are the beastliest people in the world next to the Germans.” — Winston Churchill Winter Watch is not a fan of Winston Churchill. In fact, we consider him near the top of…
Know Your WW2 Pacific War History: What Can Christians Learn from the Bravest Naval Aviator at the Battle of Midway?
What Can Christians Learn from the Bravest Naval Aviator at the Battle of Midway? I have been reading lots of books about the World War II battles in the Pacific theater lately, and I wanted to write a post about one of the heroes I found who was the most compelling to me. You…
On Francisco Franco
On Francisco Franco An extremely long but informative read on one of the most important and misunderstood Political figures of the 20th Century in the fight against Godless Communism and a man I named my Cat who passed away in February after, General Franco.