I never used the word Blitzkrieg because it is a very stupid word. Adolf Hitler, 8 November 1941 The Word “Blitzkrieg” In sober military language, there is hardly any other word that is so strikingly full of significance and at the same time so misleading and subject to misinterpretation as the term blitzkrieg. Its early […]…
Category: History Myths
Historical Films Worth A Damn: Beowulf and Grendel (2005)
There have been may versions of this Old Norse story/poem told through the ages and although this one did not get a lot of fanfare or love from “critics” when it was released in 2005, I personally think it is one of the most authentic Fantasy/Viking movies made in the last twenty years. It is…
The Viking “Great Army”
The Operations of the ‘Great Army’ in Britain (865–79) The term ‘great army’, employed by several contemporary sources to describe this unusually large assemblage of Norse raiders, implies a huge horde of perhaps tens of thousands, but it most probably was not. Although no precise figures are given, it is highly doubtful that it numbered […]…
The Viking Onslaught
Big fan of this guy’s blog, Weapons and Warfare. When you have some free time (like now) be sure to read through his selections. The Anglo-Saxons commonly called them ‘Danes’ or ‘heathens’. To the Franks, they were simply ‘the Northmen’. But history knows them as the Vikings, possibly derived from the West Norse word vikingr,…
Why the Average Civilian Should Study Asymmetrical Warfare
From the Archives, 2015. I got asked this question the other day by a close friend and it occurred to me that I had never really plainly answered that question on this blog, even though I talk about the subject frequently. I think the best way to approach this subject is through historical precedent. It…
I am reading a short novel right now about the Vikings in Ireland so I found this fascinating. Few places suffered more at the hands of the Vikings than Ireland. For the best part of 200 years the Vikings systematically milked Ireland of its people to supply the slave trade, yet, for all their military…
Know Your History: The Invisible Hand of Conquest – How Smallpox Defeated Armies, Toppled Empires & Changed History
Getting a Big Picture understanding of how contagions have shaped our history can put things in perspective. “Its presence shaped the fate of North America fully as much as any bullets, blades or bayonets.” By John Danielski THE CORONA VIRUS is not the first contagion to threaten the stability of civilization. Throughout history, disease…
The Trials of Doc Holliday
THE TRIALS OF DOC HOLLIDAY Since I was a kid I always enjoyed learning the TRUTH behind the myths of the Old West Gunfighters. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Know Your History Folks.. The Truth is Out There! It is estimated that deliberate starvation, slavery and the expulsion of the Irish (and Scottish) peoples in fairly recent history led to a 50 percent loss of population. If this is so, these two nations suffered a population loss far worse than did the Slavs…
More Proof that the Government is Altering Our History of the Civil War
All part of the Govt. Plan to Control the Future (By Controlling the Past).