H/T WRSA Young on “Che.” Lawson on Rhodesia Inspiring Read. Commies are a Scourge. Eradicate them.
Category: History Myths
Know Your History: The Race Riots A Hundred Years Ago (Including Tulsa) Were Almost Always A Reaction To Black Crime
The Race Riots A Hundred Years Ago (Including Tulsa) Were Almost Always A Reaction To Black Crime The Communist agenda has not changed folks. When History does not suit their agenda, they simply twist and turn it so that it does. Beware and Teach Your Children Well!
Know Your WW2 History: Suvorov’s Revisionism Goes Mainstream
Barbarossa: Suvorov’s Revisionism Goes Mainstream As an amateur Military Historian I would have to read the books mentioned before I gave my opinion on this Revisionist thesis. The article however is fascinating and brings up some great questions, especially in light of the rise of Communism in the 21st Century.
Revisiting the Yeakey Murder in Light of Re-Written History
Stand Up to the Rising of the Tide.
Know Your History: Coal Miner’s Revolt, The Battle of Blair Mountain
Coal Miners Revolt: The Battle of Blair Mountain One of the greatest examples in the 20th century of how a well armed and willing populace can hold their own against a well organized larger armed force. Take Notes and Prepare Accordingly. History is circling around yet again. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Feeling Like Alcibiades
I am re-reading Steven Pressfield’s excellent novel Tides of War and this quote at the very beginning of the book hit me like a fast ball between the eyes. Thousands of years and miles may have separated us, but I know exactly how General Alcibiades felt. “The worst enemies of Athens are not those…
The Dangers of Multiculturalism and History
Wuffingas I just recently watched the movie The Dig and really enjoyed it (aside from the pesky inferred gay romance which had really nothing to do with the REAL story.) My Friends over at Viking Life Blog recently did a really nice post on the history of the Sutton Hoo find and Anglo-Saxon History….
Know Your History: Gandhi
And Then They Came for Gandhi … It seems no statue is safe nowadays from the green- hair bathroom confused communist. Everything is fair game because their agenda is all about destruction not “unity.” So who was the real Gandhi? Like anything historical, dig into the facts and judge for yourself. Here is the…
Beowulf: The Epic in Performance – Benjamin Bagby, voice and medieval harp
H/T Survive the Jive Beowulf: The Epic in Performance – Benjamin Bagby, voice and medieval harp — Survival Homestead
Know Your History: The Real Uhtred of Bebbanburg
H/T to the Renegade Tribune I am a huge fan of Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Tales series as well as the TV series The Last Kingdom which are well adapted from the novels, but as you will see, the REAL story of Uhtred is much more cut-throat than any yarn Mr. Cornwell could ever spin!