One Riot, One Ranger Historical essay by Hobo. A lamentation for men of good cause. 2020 was a year in which destructive rioting for the sake of racial revenge and personal profit was all but explicitly sanctioned by the Federal Government. Among the casualties were the Icons of America’s accomplished and explicitly White past….
Category: History Myths
Know Your History: Why the Marxist Left Loves Lincoln
Why The Marxist Left Loves Lincoln One of my mentors growing up told me that no other period in American History as rife with lies as the American Civil War and as such no other period in American History has had such a negative impact on society. But don’t take my word for it,…
No Blood for Burisma
No Blood for Burisma If you read one article this week, read this one, and then pass it on to somebody you care about. My friend NC Scout hit’s the nail on the proverbial head with a fine piece of writing.
Liberators of the Occupied South
Liberators of the Occupied South Prepare for a dose of REAL American History, not the lies told by Marxist Revisionist Historians. “The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with…
The Malayan Emergency, and what it can teach us about today’s American Emergency
H/T WRSA The Malayan Emergency, and what it can Teach us about today’s American Emergency A large part of current U.S. COIN doctrine (Counter-Insurgency) that was re-vamped and rolled out around 2006 to ground pounders in Iraq and A-Stan is based upon the lessons learned by the British during the Malayan Emergency. Think Tankers…
Know Your Real Civil War History: Thaddeus Stevens
Adored Now for What He Was Once Hated While I was reading this article I was reminded of Tommy Lee Jones portrayal of Thaddeus Stevens in the movie Lincoln, (which was in this writer’s opinion one of the most fantastical pieces of Civil War propaganda ever made) which among other things showed Steven’s to…
Know Your History: What the Progressive Socialist Left Have in Store
What is Coming – 6 Part Series Really well done Six Part Historical Perspective Series on what Communism can do to a Society. While you are at I highly recommend downloading The Sovietization of America, an interview with Austrian Economist Yuri Maltsev. Prepare Accordingly.
REBEL YELL: ‘Confederados’, The South Shall Rise Again….In Brazil
Know Your History!
The Lee Statue and the Rebellion to Come
The Lee Statue and the Rebellion to Come “Most importantly, don’t despair. Accept the challenge of history. “Every time I look at Atlanta, I see what a quarter million Confederate soldiers died to prevent,” wrote John Shelton Reed. Today, that statement applies not just to Atlanta or Richmond but to the entire country. Once…
On this Day in History: Che Guevera Executed
On This Day — Che Guevara Is Executed (October 9 1967) A red letter date in the fight against the spread of the cancer of Communism in the Northern Hemisphere. Note: If you ever want to read a really entertaining novel about this incident, check out Killing Che by Chuck Pfarrer.