Category: History Myths
How Does It Feel?
How Does It Feel? Americans as a whole are now realizing what it’s like to be treated as the South has been treated for a century and a half: Your heritage, culture, and sovereignty mean nothing. You are stupid and backwards and lazy, never mind any history which suggests otherwise—that’s actively being erased and…
Know Your Real History: The Jewish Hand in the World Wars
Movie Review: “The Blitz”
In Summary, another Anti-White POS directed by the same Nigger who did 12 Years a Slave and financed by a collection of ZOG $Super Jews$.
Know Your Real WW2 History: The French Resistance
The Bad Ass Files: Colonel Charles Askins, US Army (Ret.)
The Legend Of Charley Askins by Skeeter Skelton (As Published in Shooting Times Magazine, May 1972) In The West Wing of a secluded, tile-roofed Spanish home in San Antonio, Texas is a room that is one of my favorite retreats. It’s a large room, carpeted with the rich hides of Polar and…
Red Terror & the Holodomor (The Real Holocaust)
Via: The White Rabbit Red Terror & the Holodomor Watch the Video HERE.
Maoris, Moors and Migrants: A History Lesson for Civilized Humans Facing an Ork Invasion
Maoris, Moors and Migrants: A history lesson for civilized humans facing an Ork invasion (The essay below serves as a follow-up or companion piece to “The Alienork Way”. I spelled Ork intentionally to generalize upon the theme of barbarian invaders, and not only Tolkien’s Orcs.) From ‘Moriori’, by Denise Davis and Māui Solomon, in Te…
Know Your Real Civil War History: Pushing Back Against the Indoctrination
Pushing Back Against the Indoctrination It seems that we are regularly bombarded by attacks upon Southern heritage, history, Confederate flags and monuments, and often hear such ignorant comments as, “Confederates were traitors,” “Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, and the KKK,” and the favorite one, “the Civil War was fought to free the…
Slavery Facts
H/T Montana Bob