H/T WRSA Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide Download to flash drive ASAP. For further reading: The Essence of Guerilla Warfare is MINDSET Special Forces Guerilla Warfare Manual (pdf) The Paladin Reference Library
Category: Guerilla Warfare
Know Your Weapons: The M18A1 Claymore Mine
The M18A1 Claymore Mine: From Vietnam to Today Aimed in the right direction, the U.S. M18A1 Claymore mine is one of the most lethal and devastating anti-infiltration weapons of modern warfare. There’s a reason for the qualifier on that kudo, and more about that in a moment. From its initial employment with U.S….
Guerilla Tradecraft 101: Disabling a Vehicle in Under 3 Minutes
And of course who could forget this Old Classic, Sugar in the Tank!
Guerilla Tactics Flashback: 2002 D.C. Snipers and 2015 Dallas Police Attack
Guerilla Tactics Flashback: 2002 D.C. Snipers and 2015 Dallas Police Attack Don Shift’s recent article on Gun Trucks got my mind turning on Guerilla Vehicle Tactics. From the Hermit Cave Archives: The attack on Dallas PD June 13, 2015 by a man in an armored van represents a variation on a tactic that has…
Guerilla Warfare Movie Anthology: a Recap
Flame and Citron This film is loosely based on the True Story of two members of the Danish Resistance in World War II who assassinated high ranking members of the Gestapo and SS. The student of modern Guerilla Warfare should study and take this film to heart as it represents, at least in my opinion,…
Obscure Civil War History: The Confederacy’s Canadian Raiders
The Confederacy’s Canadian Raiders — How Rebel Agents Waged War On the North from Foreign Soil Great example of a well-trained and dedicated small unit of guerilla’s infiltrating deep behind enemy lines and using every manner of insurgent warfare (to include urban terrorism) to strike FEAR into the heart of the enemy.
Guerilla Warfare 101: Lessons from the Spanish Civil War
H/T WRSA The Spanish CNT-FAI Anarchist Defense Cadre Operating Concept The author of this essay, Karl Dahl has a book out titled Faction that I highly recommend. Study Up and Gear Up Gents. Spicy Times are on the Menu.
The Legend of Lieutenant-Colonel Mike Hoare
I remember reading Congo Mercenary while deployed many moons back. This guy was the stuff of legend.
The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize
The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize “Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests. It uses the media to create the illusion that there is consent from the governed. The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither knows nor is supposed…
“Survival” Vehicles: Concepts and Execution
Some interesting ideals from JCD, the Bushbastard.