The Omnipresent Surveillance State: Orwell’s 1984 Is No Longer Fiction Read this twice and then send it to somebody you care about. I found this part particularly of interest: “How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words they use. In totalitarian regimes—a.k.a. police states—where conformity and compliance are…
Category: Government Gangsters
The End of Passwords: DISA Test Walkabout Identity System
End Of Passwords: DISA Tests Walkabout Identity System The Future is Now. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
More Guns Getting Sold
More Guns Get Sold Because Democrats Scare People, and We Love It! Although I share the enthusiasm of the author in terms of firearm sales being a positive thing for the Pro 2A Cause, We must never forget the POWER in a Constitutional Republic does lie in inflating some Firearm or Ammunition Corporations bottom…
Gray Man Ethics and Gun Culture by Bill Buppert
Great Read and Advice. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Ammunition “Sin” Tax?
New Connecticut Bill would Add a 50% Tax to Ammunition I typically don’t post “proposed” gun control legislation articles simply for the fact that it almost always is “much ado about nothing” but when I read about this one I had to share it simply because it exemplifies the out-of-touch fantasy mentality of the left…
Islam Enters Congress
For all you fellow Historians out there who have studied the Fall of Great Empires like Rome, the enemies (barbarians) are no longer at the gate, they are inside the walls and being welcomed with open arms. Ask yourself: If this is the type of Govt this country is going to have, is a Shutdown…
The Gun Grabbing F.B.I.
Forgotten Memo Shows Gun Grabbing is Built Into F.B.I.’s DNA Disturbing but not surprising. We could do an entire article on Government agencies that have no Constitutional authority to exist, are a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and by and large are one of the biggest threats to Constitutional Freedoms such as the First and…
Subversion 101
Thanks to Viking Life Blog for posting this excellent video. It is imperative for the Martial Citizen to understand the tenets of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) if he is to survive in the 21st century. “The Highest Arc of Warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value.” Compare what is…
I Still Say Something Stinks about the Las Vegas Shooting….
FBI Sued Over Denying Las Vegas Shooting FOIA Request Just like any conspiracy, where there is smoke, there has to be fire, and now another story surfaces to add more question marks to a story that has been suspect from the beginning. Why would there be such friction between two Government agencies (ATF and…
The Surveillance State: Cautionary Tales Of The Dark Web
Undercover FBI Agent Busts Alleged Explosives Buyer on the Dark Web (Don’t Trust dark-web Salespeople) (click on above link to be re-directed) Interesting read on the Fifth Dimension and the Brave New World. Here is another link worth reading concerning Alpha Bay. For Informational Purposes Only!! Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!