As the old saying goes, don’t scratch of that scab or you are going to find a lot of Pus. CORRUPTION inside the Federal Immigration and Law Enforcement cabals is sickening, but you already knew that. And you wonder why this country is being over run by foreigners? In a word, GREED. ….among other things!…
Category: Government Gangsters
Pandemic Drones?
Connecticut police to test ‘pandemic drone’ that monitors health of residents I have never been much of a conspiracy Nut, but it has become obvious that Government (both Local, State and Federal) are taking FULL advantage of the Corona pandemic (and the FEAR that goes with it) to “up the ante” on civilian surveillance around…
“If the Virus hadn’t caused the Crash, Something Else Would Have”?
What’s the bigger story right now? A Chinese Virus with a deceptively low mortality rate masking its hospitalization rate or rather, the economic crash seemingly placed upon us like a perfect storm? A lot of people are blaming the virus on the continuing economic carnage and they’re not wrong, but the issue is far deeper… via…
Court Refuses to Pay Houston Flood Victims After Gov’t Released Dams and Flooded Their Homes
The Broken, Corrupt Federal Govt at Work. HOUSTON (CN) – A federal judge dismissed the claims of Houston residents seeking to hold the government liable for flooding their homes with Hurricane Harvey storm water released from two dams, finding there is no constitutional right to perfect flood control. U.S. Court of Federal Claims Judge Loren…
ATF Proposes Step to Make a National Gun Registry Easier
I hate to break this to you folks but the ATF has been doing this kind of crap for decades. I personally witnessed dozens of so-called “audits” (ie gestapo shakedowns) on small Mom and Pops Gun Stores in TX where actual completed 4473 forms have been physically REMOVED from the premises and taken to Washington…
New Facial Recognition App to End Privacy as We Know It
Kashmir Hill, writing for the NYT, describes Clearview’s facial recognition app as follows: Then Mr. Ton-That — an Australian techie and onetime model — did something momentous: He invented a tool that could end your ability to walk down the street anonymously, and provided it to hundreds of law enforcement agencies, ranging from local cops… via…
Go Forward Suggestions
Enough with the Rallies and Cute 2A Memes, it’s now time to change things so shit like this does not happen again. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Laying the Groundwork for the Next Civil War
A Stout Read. Take some Antacids before hand. The ending quote says it all: You either believe in freedom or you don’t. It’s that simple. Everything else is just a deadly distraction. As Orwell observed in 1984: “All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was…
Denninger On Rights
Natural Rights is not some lofty, philosophical precept but the UNDERPINNING of the Individual and by extension, the Republic! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment
Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment Timely read. Never forget we are in a WAR for our Constitutional rights, so when one offensive fails, the enemy will always try another more subtle approach. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!