Category: Globo Homo
Globo-Homo and the 2030 Mass Migration Agenda
No Country for Brave Men
H/T The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Homestead The Lesson Of Jordan Neely: Your Courage And Sacrifice Will Be Punished Young American men will be taught the hard way that selflessness, courage, and their masculine instincts will get them 20 to life in prison. Reject Modernity, Weakness and Wokeness. Embrace Strength, Courage and Character….
FUSA Bulletin: More Black Anarchy on the Streets of Oakland
White Man Lynched on the Streets of Oakland The anarchy continues in the United Socialist Republic of California. It appears the cops have allowed the streets to become free-for-all zones for mobs of black thugs and in true liberal fashion the cops and the media have assigned a social justice euphemism for this anarchy…
Solzhenitsyn’s Choice
H/T American Partisan Solzhenitsyn’s Choice What is Solzhenitsyn’s choice? It is a personal decision to either go unresistingly when arrested by a tyrannical government or violently resist, probably at the risk of your life. In other words, do you love freedom so much that you are willing to die rather than surrender…
The Next Government Boogieman Project: Christian Conservative White Males, aka “Far-Right Extremist”
FBI Claims Internet Lingo Like “Based”, “Chad” and “Red Pill” Is Connected to “Extremism” Those pesky Gun toting, God Loving “Right Wing Extremist” Christian White males! They are really screwing up the current “thing!” Guess we are going to have to cook-up a red-flag event whereby we can blame them for “Anti-American” activities and then…
Texas News: Explosion at Texas Dairy Farm Kills One Person and 18,000 Dairy Cows
Explosion at Texas Dairy Farm Reportedly Kills One Person and 18,000 Cows I have lost track of all the Food Processing Plants that have exploded and burned up not to mention all of the miscellaneous Chemical plants, the most recent being this one in Indiana. I think at this point any logical, sane person would…
The Surveillance State: Israeli Unit 8200-Created Spyware Firms Assisting Mexican Cartels
Israeli Unit 8200-Created Spyware Firms Assisting Mexican Cartels In 2023 alone, eight journalists have been killed due to being tracked down using NSO Group’s software. When Sinaloa cartel leader, Joaquin Guzman-Loera, also known as El Chapo, was on trial, one of his engineers stated, “I bought interception equipment that allows access to phone calls,…
Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested
Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested Mental Illness is now an epidemic disguising itself as “PC Diversity.” This is going to be more and more common place as FUSA continues to circle the toilet bowl. Prepare Accordingly.
Why is President Biden Ignoring the Chinese Invasion at our Southern Border?
H/T Montana Why is President Biden Ignoring the Chinese Invasion at our Southern Border? As many as 400,000 male military-aged Chinese nationals have illegally entered the US since President Biden took office. Why are they here? Where do their loyalties lie?