Military unveils New Underwater Technology For those of you out there who have not yet read P.W. Singer’s 2015 WW3 novel Ghost Fleet, I highly recommend it. The rapid development of drone tech just in the last decade is both amazing and scary: Navy Releases Videos From Mysterious Drone Swarms Around Warships Off California Russia’s…
Category: Future Warfare
The Thermonator
Ohio Company Launches Robot Dog With Flamethrower Attached
FUSA Bulletin: “Legally” Arming the Invaders
Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Possess Firearms On the heels of the latest clown-world shenanigans by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals which basically stripped State’s of the legal right to enforce Federal immigration law, we now have an no-bama appointed Judge stating that Illegal Aliens (Non-American citizens in this country illegally) can…
FUSA Bulletin: Prepare for the Mariel (Haitian) Boatlift v2.0
Biden admin. officials testify they’re preparing for a massive surge of Haitian ‘migrants’ after thousands of inmates escaped the country’s prisons Flash back the beginning of the movie Scarface from 1983: Roll Actual footage from the 1980 Mariel Boatlift where hundreds of thousands of so-called Cuban “refugees” (which we later found out consisted…
FUSA Bulletin: Michigan State Government Asks People to Bring Invaders in Their Homes, Find Them Jobs
Michigan State Government Asks People to Bring Invaders in Their Homes, Find Them Jobs There’s no place to put all of these people that the Brandon Administration is flooding the country with. Rand Paul gave the number of 800,000 of them entering in the last two months. I couldn’t find the source, because search…
Guerilla Warfare History: Commercial and Artisanal Hand Grenades of the Spanish Civil War
Commercial and Artisanal Hand Grenades of the Spanish Civil War Hermit Notes: There are only a handful of Substack Subscriptions I would recommend and Karl Dahl’s is at the top of the list. I also Highly recommend his Fiction. WARNING! Don’t get any silly ideas – the information contained herein is for historic…
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts)
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts) My favorite war to examine. Take note of the international brigades and secret police. Reminds me of the Syrian American antifa recruits. Pay attention to the language. The Democratic Republicans who love liberty were the Communists. Sound Familiar? And the Anarchist Autonomous zones that collapsed… Reminds me…
Drone Show
The Future of Warfare is getting scarier by the Day Folks.
Assessing the Effects of Fires
Assessing the Effects of Fires Anyone who has ever done any sort of small-unit tactics training can remember “covering” a buddy while they move. This is good to learn, but there can be a bit of misunderstanding as to what actually constitutes “covering fire” or “suppression”. Just because you are putting rounds downrange does not necessarily mean…
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles *(For Educational Purposes Only)*
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles Since the first tanks and armored cars appeared on the battlefields of WWI Europe, infantrymen have been forced to find ways to deal with them. The modern minuteman is no different, and any prolonged civil conflict in the United States is bound to see armored vehicles used in…