Guerrilla Gardening Excellent post with some GREAT links. You need to be thinking like this with everything you do in regards to Preparedness. Time is Short and the Stakes are High.
Category: Food Storage
Rather Than Focus on What You Don’t Control (“The News”), Focus on What You Do Control: What You Grow, Eat and Own
H/T WRSA Rather Than Focus on What You Don’t Control (“The News”), Focus on What You Do Control: What You Grow, Eat and Own IMO these are the only types of articles you should be reading right now! Why? Because how YOU spend your time NOW is going to equal how much better…
If Food Rationing Can Happen in Germany, It Can Happen HERE
If Food Rationing Can Happen in Germany, It Can Happen HERE Food Shortages are a REALITY in the World right now. Food Rationing is Coming Soon to FUSA. Prepare Accordingly.
Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames
Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames Yeah if you are still on the fence about this not being planned Government sabotage to bring on a FUSA Food Shortage, check out the list at the bottom of the article from the Gateway Pundit. It defies Probability! Something is ROTTEN in Denmark. Prepare Accordingly….
5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis
5 Signs They are CREATING a Food Crisis Sign Post Up Ahead. Your next stop: STARVATION. The Most Important Thing Right Now is not to Panic but to Have a PACE Plan for Food. (Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Emergency) If you are not planning to be Self-Sufficient for your Food you are Planning to Fail….
Food Shortage – By Design
Food Shortage – By Design How many US Presidents in modern history have announced ‘food shortages’ before they occurred? The answer is only President Biden. What about all these Food Processing Plants Blowing Up or Catching Fire? Put the puzzle pieces together and Prepare Accordingly because the same bastards you think are going…
What’s With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately?
What’s With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately? Last time I checked 18 Food Processing Plants being destroyed in under 6 months would be considered a national emergency, but according to this lame-duck Government All is Well? Prepare Accordingly Folks, these bastards want to starve you out.
Prepping 101: The Kratky Method – Growing Food Without Soil
KRATKY METHOD: GROWING FOOD WITHOUT SOIL As of late self-reliant food production has been made the #1 priority around the Hermit cave. I have been gardening for over twenty years but never ventured into hydroponics because of the complexity and cost involved. This article changed my entire perspective on that. In a nutshell it…
Food Shortages and Garbage Feed
Biden says ‘food shortages are gonna be real’ Thanks for that late breaking news you senile waste of space. You can’t say I didn’t warn you guys about this over two years ago when the signs started becoming painfully obvious. If you have not taken steps to become more self-sustainable with your own food…
Prepping 101: 22 Ways to Boost Food Production in 2022
22 Ways to Boost Food Production in 2022 If you have not dedicated some time and resources to some type of self-sufficient food production yet, here is a great article to give you some DIY inspiration and a swift kick in the ass. Don’t be a Sheep! Get to Work and Prepare Accordingly!