The Three Links to the articles over at Identity Dixie are a Superb Read. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Fifth Dimension Warfare
China’s Version of GPS is Almost Complete
China’s version of GPS is almost complete. Here’s what that means Keeping an eye on China. From their Tech Developments to Military Exercises, it all means something. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
What Happens When A Government Fights A Dirty War On Its Own People?
A Well written Big Picture snapshot by the Brushbeater. Pay particular attention to the Government/Crime Nexus mentioned. “Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality.” Our nation is at an impasse- a question of direction, going far beyond singular issues such as firearms ownership, personal privacy or economics- but…
An Examination of the New Violent Left in America
Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 and the left-tards started throwing public temper tantrums akin to five year-old’s who do not get their way, the general consensus in the Conservative Patriot Community was “What do we really have to fear from a group of people with purple hair who don’t even know…
‘Golden Age of SIGINT May Be Over’: New Encryption Foils IC Eavesdropping
‘Golden Age Of SIGINT May Be Over’: New Encryption Foils IC Eavesdropping “Longstanding interest by US national security leaders has been heightened by Chinese advancements in quantum computing. For example, in 2017 China became the first country to demonstrate ‘quantum entanglement’ from a satellite to Earth. It could lead to much more secure communications…
This Person Does Not Exist
Ever wonder how all those American, Russian and Chinese BOT accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked-In etc. got the actual human face avatars for their accounts? How about all those legit looking PHISHING attacks? Well, they created them out of thin air of course! Yep folks, in the 21st century world of cyber-manipulation…
CO 101: Cybersecurity Pitfalls
Cybersecurity Experts: Stop Sending Troops Into Combat With Personal Tablets, Smartphones In the 21st Century, lessons like this are not just for the Military, but for the Civilian Operator as well. As long as we are dependent on tech, exploitation will always be there. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
A Well Funded Invasion
VIDEO: Someone is Handing Out Stacks of Cash to the Migrants Headed to U.S. The Immigration Crisis in this country has been at a CRITICAL STAGE for months now but you would never know it because the powers that be in the D.C. swamp and their media press-titutes have been distracting you with political soap…
Dose of Truth: The “Future” of War is Now
If any of you have ever read the book Ghost Fleet by P.W. Singer you would realize with a chill down your spine that more and more things listed in that fictional work regarding Military Technology is beginning to unfold right before our eyes. The recent unveiling of China’s new Dark Sword Drone makes the…
China on the Border
CHINESE PURCHASE LARGE MEXICAN RADIO STATION NEAR US BORDER Fourth Generation Warfare continues to be waged by China, this time via radio waves. China has perfected the art of Lawfare, Information Warfare, Cyber-Warfare, Cyber Theft, Economic Terrorism Propaganda and good ole’ fashioned espionage down to a science. Just ask Diane Feinstein about it. This…