Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread In Texas Near Fort Hood GPS interference is being reported around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area airports, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The first reports of signal degradation occurred about 24 hours ago. “Significant GPS interference being reported by pilots in the Dallas area. Aircraft being rerouted onto non-RNAV…
Category: Cyber-Skills
The Surveillance State: Presidential Policy Directive 28
Surveillance State USA. Biden quietly unleashes spymasters in dramatic Executive Order. The collection of signals intelligence shall be authorized by statute or Executive Order, proclamation, or other Presidential directive, and undertaken in accordance with the Constitution and applicable statutes, Executive Orders, proclamations, and Presidential directives. (b) Privacy and civil liberties shall be integral considerations…
The Surveillance State: Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers
Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers A press release on Tuesday from the ODNI revealed that the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), their research and development arm, is starting work on the Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure program – HIATUS for short.
Crime Awareness: Beware of Card Skimmers
Before you EVER Insert your Card Check the Machine Out First. Especially at Pay at the Pump Gas Station Kiosk. Many Times the Raghead Paki Store Owners are In on the Scam and get a percentage.
VISUALIZED: Map of Ransomware Attacks Since 2018
VISUALIZED: Map of Ransomware Attacks Since 2018 Each dot represents the location of a ransomware attack, with the size of the dot depicting the number of records impacted. This map updates weekly and pinpoints the locations of each ransomware attack in the US, from 2018 to present day. Where available, it includes the ransom amount,…
Weaponized Drones: The Spread of Commercial Grade Flying IED’S
Weaponized Drones: The Spread of Commercial Grade Flying IED’S A look at how civilian quad-copters are being utilized by paramilitary groups, drug cartels and terrorist. This is the future of Asymmetrical Warfare. Prepare Accordingly.
A Safe and Secure Way to Decommission a Hard Drive | (ISC)² Article
Secret Messages – A Guide To Covert Communication
Secret Messages – A Guide To Covert Communication Nothing ground breaking here, just some “secret comm” fundamentals. Remember, having a Security mindset in today’s cyber-snooping world is just good common sense.
The Surveillance State: Metaverse Is the Ultimate Surveillance Tool
The Metaverse Is the Ultimate Surveillance Tool Really well done podcast about Metaverse and it’s application for global surveillance the likes of which you have never imagined!
Great Reset: Transhumanism, Metaverse, Lawnmower Man in Real Life…
Really well put together essay.