Yesterday marked the final removal of ALL Public Confederate Statues in Richmond, Virginia, the former Capital of the Confederate States of America (CSA). The Last Statue to be removed was of Confederate Lt. General A.P. Hill. On the surface it seems the woke black cultural marxist and their cucked white liberal entourage have been successful…
Category: Clown World Bulletin
Diversity Watch
Diversity Watch Successful societies become bloated. It is not that they become weak, but that so many weak people appear that a market for delusion is created. Their wealth is not the cause of their problems, but it allows the weak to survive and prosper, just like technology does. In other words, we see…
It’s Time to Start Making Concrete Necklaces…
Clown World Bulletin
H/T WRSA (The Gold Standard of Memery)
Gender-Variants • Confirmed by CNBC, CNN, CDC & AOC
Clown World Bulletin: The Colorado Gay “Mass Shooter” was the Grandson of a Republican!
It never fails. Every time there is a shooting of some protected minority class like sodomites and tranny’s they immediately start trying to tie the shooter to the most evil force in the universe for purple-haired bathroom confused marxist: Straight White Male Conservatives in order that they might disarm the populace with further anti-2A,…
FUSA Bulletin: The 45 Goals of Communism
H/T It Ain’t Holy Water # 8: Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”
FUSA Bulletin: Armed Dindu Terrorizing Motorist on Freeway in Chi-Raq
Shock Video From Crime-Ridden Chicago Shows Man Armed with Rifle Carjacking Motorist on Expressway The Crime Epidemic in Chicago is MUCH WORSE than the MSM is letting on. If you think the Cops are gonna save you from these animals, think again. WE are all on our OWN. Stay Armed and Prepare Accordingly. …
Texas News: Pack of Chimps Assault Dallas Restaurant Owner
Chaotic Brawl at Hooters in Texas over Chocolate Bars Not sure how I missed this one in Dallas last week. Blacks being Blacks. Assaulting People and Destroying Property. Prepare Accordingly.
More National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists
More National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists: Experts Then why is National Security Policy aimed at supposed “White Supremacist” Conservatives? I think you know the answer to that question. Prepare Accordingly.