H/T Impro Guns Another video of PDF fighters taking shots at Junta forces from an entrenched position. Pictures and videos have previously surfaced of bolt action .223 rifles which appear to be the same featured. At least one appears to be a bolt action 12 gauge shotgun. Guerilla forces have also been known to…
Category: Arms and Ammo
Curio and Relic Corner: The Zastava M48 Mauser
Zastava M48 Mauser: Milsurp Gem It’s articles like these that make me want to get my C&R FFL03 License renewed so I can have that Big Brown truck of Joy deliver mil-surp weapons direct to my doorstep but I know I will never again see the glory days of ample supplies of Yugo Mausers,…
AK Corner: Romanian AK’s – The Best Among the Worst
Romanian AKs: The Best Among The Worst, The Worst Among The Best As a long time AK disciple I can say without reservation the Romanian variant is my LEAST favorite of the AK Family. If we were doing family analogies, the Romanian variant could be likened to that flaky Drunk Uncle that only shows…
Tradecraft: How to Spot a Concealed Weapon
How to Spot a Concealed Weapon – Fast Around the U.S. and the world, people carry guns. If they are not working in an overt context, whether legal or not, they will endeavor to conceal the gun, usually a handgun. They could be another armed citizen going about their day, possibly like you, an…
Three Part Synopsis of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral by Dave Spaulding
H/T Wynn Gunfight On Fremont Street: O.K. Corral Part 1 Dave Spaulding gives a detailed break down of the gunfight, putting aside historical romanticism and getting down to the brass tacks of killing and survival with a firearm in the 19th century Old West. Part Two and Part Three can be found here. …
More Spineless ATF Shenanigans
H/T The Feral Irishman ATF Gains Financial Information on Potential Gun Buyers for Warrantless Tracking, Documents Show I typically don’t waste time reporting on Federal Cocksuckery. But this kind of shit is ridiculous. Beware and Prepare Accordingly.
Pistolcraft: Why Carry With A Round In The Chamber?
Why Carry With A Round In The Chamber? COMMON SENSE dictates that if you have a firearm for self-defense you need to be able to USE that firearm in an instant, Why? Firstly because an unloaded gun is just a fancy paperweight and Second as a very wise man once told me: “Trouble does…
Know Your Weapons: The Cap and Ball Revolvers Prior to the Peacemaker
Prior to the Peacemaker The Revolvers that ‘Really’ Won the West Before the Colt Peacemaker? Before the Colt Peacemaker there was a whole boatload of other Colt single action revolvers. And in truth they had a lot more influence in the Old West than did the Peacemaker because the wildest and woolliest times had passed by…
Pistol Fundamentals Flashback: Jeff Copper and the Modern Technique
H/T Lenny Ladner No other man in firearms training history has had more influence and persuasion that Colonel Jeff Cooper, USMC (Ret.) The Modern Technique of Pistol Craft that Colonel Cooper invented and taught revolutionized Handgun Training forever. The MT can be divided up into four major parts: 1. The Big-Bore Autoloading Pistol…
Know Your Rifles: The “Krag” aka Springfield Model 1892 Infantry Rifle
Story of the Krag: The Springfield Model 1892 Infantry Rifle The formal appellation Springfield Model 1892-1899 describes the several subvariants of the Krag-Jorgensen bolt-action repeating rifle developed in the late 19th century. U.S. troops affectionately referred to the weapon as a “Krag.” The rifle was actually a collaborative effort of Norwegian gun designers Ole Herman…