Illicit SMG Factory Raided in Colombia Via: Radios Regionales “Parliamentarians from the Los Ríos region described the clandestine weapons factory found in the commune of Panguipulli as serious. The senator of Renovación Nacional, María José Gatica, assured that this discovery represents the capacity of criminal organizations to establish complex and technically advanced operations…
Category: Arms and Ammo
Magazine Fatigue?
Magazine Fatigue? A question that routinely comes up when a new user gets an auto pistol – whether a police trainee or armed citizen – is “how long can the magazine stay loaded without compromising reliability?” – or words to that effect. It’s a fair question. I’m no metallurgist, but I’ve been handling guns…
W.O.F.T. Training
What is W.O.F.T. Training? There is a misconception that simply having a firearm can solve any problem, but this is flatly wrong. If someone approaches you in a dimly lit parking lot yelling out at you, your natural response shouldn’t be to draw your concealed firearm and deposit some hollow points into them. W.O.F.T. is…
Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0
“History is nothing else than a long succession of useless cruelties.” (Voltaire) When you look at the situation in Syria, you see the logic in Voltaire’s prose. I suppose it is the hopeless romantic in me that wishes for a world that is not filled with asshole tyrants and despots that take advantage of…
Guerilla Warfare History: “Boers, Beans, Bullets and Bear Soup”
Boers, Beans, Bullets, and Bear Soup – Parts 1 & 2 Nifty two part series on the history, tactics and weapons of the Boers. Remember: The most Dangerous thing in the world is a Disciplined, Motivated and Well Trained Rifleman, so get out there and TRAIN!
Re-Calibrating Your Mentality on Guerilla Arms
When your average American armed civilian hears the term “Guerilla Arms” the majority of them are going to get a mental picture of a group of pissed off citizens armed with a “smorgasbord” of weapons, ranging from AR-15’s to AK-47’s to K98 bolt action rifles to Dad’s .270 Winchester Deer Rifle. The majority of…
Is that Gunshots or Fireworks?
Can you tell the Difference between Gunshots and Fireworks? Every year around the 4th of July, law enforcement agencies around the country are inundated with phone calls from people concerned about random gunfire in their neighborhoods. Unfortunately, there are irresponsible gun owners out there who decide that shooting their guns into the air in…
FGC-9 Drum Magazine
FGC-9 + D.R.U.M An FGC-9 mk2 seized by Brazlian police alongside the D.R.U.M, a 3D printable 9mm drum magazine.
The Combat Quick Draw
The Combat Quick Draw: Classic Lessons From Elmer Keith From the February 1960 issue of GUNS Magazine, here is “the word” on combat quick draw, spoken out of a lifetime of experience as a hunter, guide and law officer by none other than Elmer Keith. Editor’s Note: It is high time, we think, that somebody…
Condition One or None
Texas News: Houston grand jury declines to charge man who shot and killed robber inside taqueria